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.Many legends were later associatedwith him, the earliest in the works of Hippolytus (Refutatio omnium haeresium 6.20.2, 3).The story of his fatal flight is in Cyril of Jerusalem s Catechesis 6.15, and in thepseudo-Clementine  Apostolic Constitutions.Many other legends about himare collected in the pseudo-Clementine Homilies and Recognitions ( Clementhere), which survive in a Latin translation of the early fifth century (available intranslation in The Ante-Nicene Christian Library, vol.17, ed.A.Roberts and J.Donaldson).50 A heretic of the second century who held apocalyptic views, emphasizing the continu-ing work of the Holy Spirit, inspiring prophecy in both sexes.51 A adds:  Boundas.Dascoes and Sabbas, Hermas and Simeon.Macedonius,Apollinaris, Origen, Nestorius, Eutyches, Dioscorus, Severus, Jacobus, Theodosius,Zeno, Cyrus, Maearius, Sergius, Novatus, the other Sergius, the disciple of Peter theworthless, Nicolaus, from whom come foul heresies; to wit the Courcoudigetae,Montanists, Artotyritae, Quattuordecimans, Orthopeucatae, the Cateuchiatae, theCathari, who are Anthegani, the Aeti, the Montanists, the Messalians, the Hellenes,the Copritae; the second Nicolaus, and all who are like them.P52 A adds:  That is, the Bogomils.154 EUTHYMIUS OF THE PERIBLEPTONdishonour.The atheists call all the saints false apostles and false pro-phets, especially the great lights and teachers of the orthodox.53[The story of Peter and the wolf]54I shall reveal in part the conduct.of Peter the worthless.thisworthless man, although he was a heretic, was not identified by theorthodox through his feigned humility and falsity, and also because hismadness and heresy was concealed.So in ignorance they elected himarchbishop and unworthily he who was wolf, rather than shepherd,ascended the apostolic throne.At the end the impious one did notescape, but his madness was recognized in synod.When the emperor55heard of his impiety, he was very angry with him, and sent messengersto arrest him.The worthless wretch, hearing of the emperor s anger andthat he was on the razor s edge, fled at speed to a wizard, the devil scraftsman, his dear kinsman and relative, and told him of the emperor sanger against him and the danger that hung over him, and asked for theassistance that he could give.Then the wizard, hearing this, said to theworthless wretch,  Do not be downcast, master, since you have me as afriend.Only tell me where you want to escape to, and I will swiftlyconvey you there. The wretch answered,  In the Roman Empire thereis no place for me; I would like to go to Great Armenia since I have agood knowledge of the Armenian language..[The wizard] filled a dish with water and performed over it his magicand diabolic spells and workings, and then he summoned [Peter] theworthless, and gave him a glass bottle full of satanic perfume.andalso a spell, a satanic one written on paper, and said to him,  Take allthese things I give you, for they are essential.Early tomorrow you willfind yourself in Great Armenia.When day comes, bid the men who areyour servants go forth and proclaim to all the inhabitants of greatArmenia as follows:  A great apostle and teacher has come to live inyour country.All of you come to see him and venerate him. When thepeople come to venerate you, anoint the palm of your right hand with53 A adds:  St Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, St John Chrysostom.54 The legend of Peter Lycopetrus (Wolf Peter) is alluded to elsewhere (see [16]).Thisis the most complete version.Its purpose is perhaps to make a link between Pauliciansand Bogomils.Sergius/Tychicus is one of the sequence of Paulician leaders, but PS([7], c.138 44) gives an alternative account of his initiation into Paulicianism.Thelegend of a heretic s false claim to resurrection is told of Simon Magus in Hippolytus,Refutatio omnium haeresium 6.20.2 3; see also note 49 above.55 A adds:  Marcian and the Empress Pulcheria.The emperor Marcian was remem-bered as a pillar of orthodoxy, perhaps because the council of Chalcedon (451) washeld in his reign.155 CHRISTIAN DUALIST HERESIESthe perfume which I put into the bottle I give you, on both sides.Makethose who intend to come to venerate you first kiss the back of yourhand, on which the perfume has been smeared, and after they havekissed it, put your anointed hand above their heads, and recite over eachof them this spell of yours, which I wrote for you and gave you, as if youwere praying for them and blessing them.After this has been done, thedevil will make his home in them, because the Holy Spirit will loathe thepollution and will withdraw from them the effective grace of baptism; infuture you will have them all following your doctrine straightaway, andyour will.The wizard.bade him and the servants go immediately to the jarwhich had been bewitched.Acting on this, the worthless wretch wassnatched by the demons, together with his servants, and was found atfirst light transported to Great Armenia.When these things had hap-pened and he had done as the wizard instructed, the wretch wanderedpreaching through all the land of Armenia, and preached as we de-scribed earlier.Many were gathered to him.He led astray and destroyedall the Armenians, not just the laymen, but even their king himself.[Theking of the Armenians] wrote to the king of the Iberians56 in these words: I want you to know, my lord and dear brother, that a great leader andapostle has come to live this day in my land.His arrival has greatlyenlightened and aided me; if your majesty gives the order, I will send youthis man, and you will be greatly benefited by him..The Iberian king received him, and summoned the most knowledgeableof his bishops.When they had examined all that concerned him closelyand carefully, they did not find him a light and a holy man, as the kingof Armenia had revealed, but a devil, a heretic led astray, and a de-ceiver.Immediately afterwards the heretic was stoned by order of theking of the Iberians, to such an extent that there was a large heap overhim of the stones that had been thrown.When he learnt of this the king of the Armenians.wanted to takevengeance for his teacher s blood, and marched against the king of theIberians, to make war on him.When he heard of this, the king of theIberians sent to him, saying,  My brother, you are angry with me fornothing, because he was a wretched and heretical man, and a deceiver.We Christians believe.that he who dies for the true orthodox faith is56 Unlike the Armenians, who did not recognize the council of Chalcedon, and weretherefore considered Monophysite by the Byzantine Church, the kingdom of Iberia(modern Georgia) remained strictly Orthodox. Great Armenia was historically cen-Ptred on Theodosiopolis (see map).156 EUTHYMIUS OF THE PERIBLEPTONa saint, and that his remains work miracles and have a sweet smell.Come in peace, so that we may excavate and discover the remains of thisman [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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