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.I giggle and nod. I have some thinking to do, but I ll go talk to him soon. Good.Now, about those cupcakes. Here, let me box some up for you.*** Thank you, dear.Good luck. Gail nods and walks down the block, carrying her box of cupcakes.I take a deep breath and lock the door, then set about cleaning up for the day, letting my mindwander.She s right.I don t have to give birth to children for them to be mine.Why hadn t I ever thought ofit before?And then I remember.Because my whole life, it was drilled into me by my parents and doctors: You ll never havechildren.But maybe, just maybe, someday, I might.I grin and jump when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Hello? Hey, gorgeous. Ben! I grin and climb the stairs to my apartment, happy to hear from my old friend. How areyou? I m great.I m in Seattle for the week.Have dinner with me tonight. His voice is warm andfamiliar, and I realize I ve missed him like crazy. I would love that.What time? I can head your way now. I ll be ready.Ben was my boyfriend in my early twenties when I still lived back home.I was overweight and nottaking care of myself, and the handsome personal trainer had loved me anyway, and helped me gethealthy.Not because he didn t like me the way I was, but because he wanted me to be healthy and whole,and I d loved him for that.Ben was my first love.And now he s one of my best friends.I fix my hair and makeup and change into a lacy pink tank top with a flowy white skirt and sandals,and when I pull the door open for him, he scoops me into his arms and turns a circle in my livingroom. You look wonderful! I exclaim and kiss his cheek as he sets me back on my feet. You look& hungry. He laughs. And beautiful, as always. I am hungry.Feed me, please. My pleasure.Mexican? Mmm& yes. We jog down my steps and walk up the block to one of our favorite Mexican placesin Seattle. What are you in town for? A job interview. You re moving here? I ask excitedly. Hoping to, yes.I m never going to do more with my career back home.We both know that. You should have warned me that you were coming. I smack his arm playfully as the hostess seatsus in a booth against the wall.Someone else drops off chips, salsa and water, and I greedily dig in. You haven t lost your appetite, he observes drily. Never, I agree and grin. Seriously, why didn t you give me a heads-up? I thought I d surprise you. His hazel eyes are happy as he smiles at me. How have you been? Meh, I reply and shrug, feeling much better now that I ve had the encouraging talk with Gail andam now having dinner with my dear friend.  Explain the meh. Oh, it s a long, drama-filled story. The best kind. Ben winks and pops a chip in his mouth.I tilt my head and watch him.He s not just handsome, although with his muscles for days, lighthazel eyes and square jaw, he s certainly one hot number.Ben is a beautiful man, inside and out. You re a good person, Benjamin. Uh, don t say that, Nic.That only leads to  but, and we broke up a long time ago.I toss my head back and laugh hard, then throw a chip at him. Don t be a douche.I was paying youa compliment. I see that you ve kept up with your workouts.You look great. He tilts his head, watching meclosely. But I know you, and you have circles under your eyes, so spill it.I sigh and lean my chin in my hand. I m an idiot. Agreed. You re a jerk. Typically, yes.I laugh again and shake my head. Stop it.You are not.There is a guy. Do I want to know this? His handsome face cringes. I mean, I know we re just good friends, butI don t think you re supposed to know who your ex-girlfriend is sleeping with.It s weird. How do you know I m sleeping with him? Are you? Yeah. Now I know. Jealous? I ask with a raised brow.He sits back and actually thinks about it, surprising me.I expected a witty comeback, but instead hejust answers honestly. Not jealous in the way I would have been five years ago, but worried because you mean a lot tome and I don t want to have to kill him for hurting you. I hurt him, Ben. I sigh and push my fingers through my short hair. I like the haircut, by the way. Oh, thanks.It was time for a change. I take another bite of chip. Anyway, I fell hard and fast forhim.He s a great guy.A cop [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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