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."It can be controlled," the senator said."I just thought it was worthmentioning.""You bet your sweet ass it will be controlled," the Chief ofStaff said."We'll send the sonofabitch to Greenland and let him screw a polarbear.""Hey, come on," the senator said."The major is not the first soldier to gethis ashes hauled outside the nuptial couch.MacArthur had a Eurasian mistress stashed in an apartment when he was Chief ofStaff.Even the chastity part of Eisenhower's wartime sainthood had beenquestioned.""You don't believe that cheap gossip, do you?" the Chief of Staff snapped."I'll remind you, you're talking about thePresident.""Of course, I don't believe it," the senator said, angrily, thickly sarcastic."And I was there.I believe he commissioned that big-teated Limey as anAmerican officer solely because she did such a splendid job driving his jeep.I also believe in the tooth fairy."Page 250 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe Chief of Staff glowered at him."I just remembered something else about your man Lowell,General," he said to Black."What's that, sir?""Remember the flap when Life ran the story with the pictures of the M48 withBlueballs' painted on the turret? And that actress that doesn't wear anyunderwear with her arms around the crew? Georgia Paige? I remember that somedamned fool of a young officer took her up to the front, and subsequentlyscrewed her on every available horizontal surface, and I just remembered hisname.That was your man Lowell, wasn't it,General?""I believe it was," Black said."So what?""He gets around, doesn't he?" the senator chuckled."What do you mean, so what?" the Chief of Staff demanded, angrily."You remember, I'm sure," Black said, "what Phil Sheridan said about soldiersthat don't fuck.""He was speaking of soldiers, not officers of the GeneralStaff Corps," the Chief of Staff said, so furiously that spittle flew."I don't give a good goddamn if he screws orangutangs,"Black said."So long as he does his duty and does it as well as thisparticular, young, unmarried officer does his.""Hey! Hey!" the senator said."Tempers, gentlemen!"The Chief of Staff glowered at him and then at E.Z.Black.In a moment he got control of his voice."To sum up," the Chief of Staff said icily, "what we have here is a clear andblatant violation of the Key West Agreement of 1948, which says the army willnot, repeat not, under any circumstances arm its aircraft.We have been caughtwith our ass hanging out.And for the cherry on top of the cake, one of theofficers and gentlemen involved in this breach of good faith is involved witha senator's lady.""I am the officer primarily involved, General," Black said."And so far as the senator's lady is concerned, you can make that wasinvolved.' I'll see that it's stopped.""That still leaves us with your god damned armed helicopters, which I'm surethe air force is sure to bring to the attention of the Washington Post just assoon as they can," the Chief ofStaff said.Page 251 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I've been thinking about this helicopter thing," the senator said."What Ithink you should do is go public with it.Call a press conference.Show thegod damned thing off.If it works, the air force would look pretty god damnedsilly bitching about it.""It works," E.Z.Black said."And the bottom line is that we can afford toswap helicopters for tanks all day long."The Chief of Staff looked at him for a long moment."I don't see where we have any other alternative to this mess in which theVice Chief of Staff has enmeshed us," he said."You're going to have to get off the dime, General," the senator said, "beforethe air force lowers the boom.""Wesley!" the Chief of Staff called out.Master Sergeant Wesley appeared."Yes, suh?""Get somebody on the horn, please, Wes.See if you can find the Chief ofInformation.Ask him if he's free to join us for a drink.If you can't findthe Chief of Information, get his deputy.""Yes, sir," Sergeant Wesley said.(Two)Ozark, Alabama12 December 1958"Mr.Dutton's office," Howard Dutton's private secretarypurred into the telephone."I have a collect call for anyone from Mrs.Greer in SanAntonio," the operator's somewhat twangy voice announced."This is Mr.Howard Dutton's office," Howard Dutton's secretary repeated.""I have a collect call for anyone from Mrs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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