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. I killed the mood, didn t I? she asked, wrinkling her nose. We re all bow-chica-bow-wow and Ihave to go and mention home improvements.I suck at this.His cock jumped in Pavlovian response to the word suck.He dropped the footstool and cushion infront of the mirror and turned to her. Do I look uninterested?She glanced down at him, saw that he was giving her a full salute, and color rose to her cheeks. No. No one killed the mood.You can talk to me about whatever you want whenever you want.Even ifit s home improvements when I m thinking dirty thoughts about watching myself fuck you.Her face flushed even brighter at the word fuck. Really? Really. He extended a hand toward her. Now get over here and let me do unwholesome things toyou.She beamed, took his hand, and bounced over to jump up onto the stepstool.Normally her bubblyenthusiasm seemed innocent, but watching her bounce and jump buck-naked inspired thoughts that were farfrom chaste.Rodriguez shifted to stand behind her and instantly grinned.Oh yeah, the footstool was exactly theright height.He nudged her legs apart until she was standing as widely as she could without falling off the stool. Put your hands on the mirror, he instructed.She leaned forward slightly and braced her hands on the glass.He could slide into her right now, but even though he was still horny as hell, Brittany s afterglow hadwww.samhainpublishing.com 99 Vivi Andrewsworn off substantially.He had some work to do to get her back where he wanted her to be.Brittany licked her lips and watched Rodriguez behind her in the mirror.Their position put him incomplete control, but it gave her a heck of a view.The mirror had been an impulse decision, but she wascoming to realize it was pure brilliance.She d never really thought of what they looked like together.Her pale skin against his dark tan.Hisstrength against her softness.When his hands skated over her skin to caress her breasts, she shivered bothat the deliciousness of the touch and the sight of it.The brown of his skin against the pink of her nipples.Warmth coiled and pooled between her legs at the eroticism of the sight.When one darkly tanned hand stroked down across her stomach and between her legs, he found heralready hot, wet and eager.He muttered something in Spanish, as his fingers coaxed more dampness fromher.He bent and pressed a kiss to the base of her neck where her hair had fallen to the side.Brittanyshivered.Her back arched, her hips pushing back toward him.His eyes met hers in the mirror, the black of them searing and intense.Slowly, deliberately, he fittedhimself to her and pressed an inch inside her.Then another.She was captivated by his eyes, captured by hisbody s slow invasion.He pressed deeper still until his hips pressed tight against her buttocks.Brittany closed her eyes.Thefeeling was exquisite. Watch, his voice commanded roughly. You don t want to miss this. She opened her eyes in timeto see him draw back and plunge forward again.She wavered on the stool and his hands locked tight on herhips to steady her. Mira, he commanded again.Then he began a steady rocking rhythm.Brittany grew breathless as she watched.Seeing it, feeling it, every sensation was multiplied.Andseeing him, as his face darkened with passion, was an aphrodisiac in itself.A stream of Spanish wordsflowed over her.Heat tightened and coiled in her, bringing her right back to the edge.His forearm, with itsblack tattoos, wrapped tight around her hips, pulling her back hard into his body and pinning her there as hestiffened, his orgasm hitting him hard.The sight of his release slammed her into her own.Her eyes snappedshut as if she couldn t take any more as pure, electric sensation sliced through her.She rode out the jagged waves of pleasure, coming slowly back to a world where the only soundswere the soft, reverent whispers of Spanish across the back of her neck and the pounding of her own heart.Rodriguez kissed Brittany s scar as she lay sprawled on her back on his bed.He should wake her.Karma would have long since grown suspicious about their extended absence.But he wasn t ready to leavethis room.100 www.samhainpublishing.com The SexorcistHis eyes were drawn again to the pink scar running along her breastbone.It was noticeable, but hardlythe disfigurement she seemed to think it was.She had nothing to be ashamed of.It was a badge of honor.She should be proud of it.She had survived.If anything, the scar made her more precious to him.A spike of rage pierced him.What kind of idiots had she been with that they let her feel like she wasanything less than beautiful? She had a scar.So what? Lots of people had been marked by life in one wayor another.It wasn t like she had a swastika carved into her ass.Rodriguez tamped down the rage he felt toward the men who d made her feel inadequate.They didn tmatter right now.Brittany mattered.It scared him how much she mattered.He was grateful she didn t understand Spanish.Seeing her reflected in the mirror, he d been moved tosay things that were both dirtier and sappier than he d ever said in his life.The things he d promised, thewords of love, were just as well forgotten.At least for a little while.It was much too soon for vows.He couldn t take his eyes off her then and he found the sight of her now, rumpled and asleep in hisbed, deeply satisfying.The smooth curve of her waist, slim legs, and small, delectable breasts all perfectlysuited her sleek frame.Every inch of skin was mouthwatering, but the part that kept drawing his eyes again and again was thehollow of her collarbone at the base of her throat.Between the scarves and the cunningly designednecklines of her blouses, he d never seen it before.He hadn t realized until he saw her naked for the firsttime how much he loved that elegant hollow on women, like the dimple at the base of a spine or the softline at the back of a knee.The subtle sexiness of that hollow was all Brittany, like a secret layer of sultriness only he could seebeneath her laughing charm.It hovered right over the top edge of her scar and he pressed a kiss into that tiny divot.She stirred, her big doe eyes blinking sleepily. Luis? Sí, corazón? What time is it? Too late for regrets, amorcita.Her brow wrinkled in confusion, and then her eyes flared wide as realization hit. Oh, darn.Karma! Itold her I d be looking into alternate venues, but she ll expect me to make an appearance at the officeeventually. She looked down at her naked self and her hands fluttered as if she could magically clotheherself. Are my clothes dry? We need to get to work.Karma can t suspect that we&  She trailed off, herface flaming. Oh, jeez.Luis didn t really see the point in trying to hide it.Karma was sharp especially where interpersonalrelationships were concerned.She d take one look at Brittany and him and know [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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