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.processtext.com/abclit.htmlthe white stones reminded me a lot of the Mountain Men trapped to the south and also reminded me ofmy home.I found I did a lot of thinking in that room, which is not a bad thing in and of itself, but havingspent my life preferring action to contemplation, it marked a new and slightly scary change.Larissa's face brightened as she passed through the threshold."Oh, this is magnificent."I blinked away surprise."You like it?""It is beautiful.Of course I like it.""But it's so devoid of life, I thought."She stopped and looked at me."You spend a lot of time here, do you not, my vitamora?"I nodded.She smiled and stretched out her arms."I can feel your presence.This may once have been a Reithreseplace, but you have made it your own.And as you love this place, so do I."We sat down in silence, studying the flow of stones.Though no signal passed between us, I knew wewere letting our eyes track across the same frozen waves and swirls in the pattern.As we traced our waythrough the ocean's currents and eddies, the two years since we had seen each other evaporated."It has been so long, yet it feels as if we danced together yesterday." I wanted to reach out to her, andstarted to, then withdrew my hands."It is very good to see you again."Her chin came up and her eyes sparked with mischievous fire."We have seen each other since then, mylove.There have been dreams."I blushed."The dreams, I remember many.I often feared for my life if I mumbled in my sleep, since yourbrother and I often shared a tent or a room during the campaign.Never did I dare tell him about thedreams.""Nor did I speak to my husband of them."I frowned."You speak as if we had the same dreams.""We did, Neal." Larissa knelt on the floor and delicately shifted a stone from the crest of one wave tothe next."This is but an aspect of being vitamorii.My brother would never have noticed your midnightwhispers because likely he was sharing dreams with Marta.At least, she says it was so."I smiled, but felt cheated.Had I known those dreams were more than just my imaginings, I would haveclung to them more tightly and fought to remember them."I had no idea."She pressed a gloved finger to her lips."Nor do any of the others.If they imagined we shared dreams,there is no telling what the reaction would be.This is our secret.""Agreed." I leaned back against the wall."How is it that you have come here?""When Beltran's missive arrived in Cygestolia, the Consilliarii decided to send an ambassador to openrelations with this new Human empire." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlI did not conceal my surprise."That is a change from the last time they dealt with a Human empire.""And that change is largely your fault, my vitamora." Larissa plucked at a fold of her skirt and smoothedthe cloth against her thigh."Your example helped blunt the forces that wanted a second crusade.""Of that, then, I am thankful.Still, that explains why Sidalric is here.Why have you come?""I had no choice." She adjusted the folds in her brown dress's skirts."As vindicatrix, I had to be presentat the time when Marta presented her Petition of Fecundity to the Consilliarii.""Her what?"Larissa nodded, her eyes narrowing for a moment; then she smiled."When Levicius and Alosia createdus, they gave little thought to reproduction.For them it was sufficient that there was a mechanism bywhich we could increase our number.They chose, therefore, to make Elven women fertile for the periodof a month or so after ingesting the fruit of the apple tree.""Apples?""Not the red and green fruit you know, but a special apple with golden skin that grows in a single grovein Cygestolia.Because we have long lives, we determined that access to that fruit should be limited andonly those who have done something remarkable should be allowed to bring offspring into the world.This is why Elven children are rare and treated as a great gift to the parents and to both of their families."Part of me thought that tyranny; then I remembered seeing hordes of children running through the streetswith no one to tend them or care about them, and I wondered if the Sylvan system might not haveadvantages."Marta has petitioned the council to be allowed to have a child?""She has, and the Consilliarii have granted the petition." Larissa shrugged."As much as they might like todeny it, Aarundel's exploits here in the Manworld have been remarkable, and having a child will mean hewilt not venture from Cygestolia for the next half century."Half century? She said it so matter-of-factly, yet I knew I would be dead and gone before that time hadpassed."So you accompanied Marta here so she could tell her husband about the petition grant?""Yes, and for another reason."My spirit buoyed up."And that was?""I am the vindicatrix and you are the vindicator.As we stood with them at their wedding, it is our duty tostand with them when they are given the golden fruit."I folded my arms over my chest."But we don't have to be there for the conception part, right?"Light Elven laughter filled the room, forever banishing the last bit of gloom from it."No, we do not,though remembering those dreams, were my brother to require instruction, you would be an excellenttutor."I fought to keep a blush from my face."I tend to dream larger than life." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"What harm fantasy if it gives pleasure?""None." I laughed to myself, then rubbed a hand over my face."So is the ambassador speaking to theemperor about where the ceremony will be held?""I do not know, but of what concern it would be to the emperor I don't know.""Larissa, the emperor owns this city.Everything is his concern.""Ah," she smiled, "I see your confusion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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