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.I wasafraid he was going to leave me as I was.I could not pull my right leg back because of itsposition in the brush.I had no leverage, as I stood, to lift my leg out."Please help me,Master," I begged.I had no wish to remain caught in the thorn brush until morning.It wasembarrassing, and I was helpless, and it was painful."Please, Master," I begged, "help me."He lifted me up, in his arms, in this action freeing my leg, though it was cut and scratched.Inthe instant I relished being in his arms, held by him.My weight was nothing to him.I loved thefeel of his strong hands on my body, holding me up, lightly, from the earth, which I, thuscarried, could not touch unless he permitted it.I, naked, boldly put my head against the shoulderof his tunic.Then he had placed me on my feet.I did not meet his eyes.I felt small before him.It had been obvious I had been trying to escape.I did not know, at that time, what might be the penalty for a girl who attempts escape and is sounfortunate as, as is nearly always the case, to be recaptured.Slave girls almost never escape.The major reason for this is the steel collar, which, obdurately encircling her neck, read,promptly identifies her master and his city.Almost no one, of course, would think of removing acollar from a girl, unless it would be to replace it with one of his own.This is because she is aslave.Girls may also be hunted down by trained sleen, tireless hunters.If a girl should eludeone master, she will, customarily, soon fall to another.A successful escape, infrequent eventthat it is, seldom amounts, from the girl's point of view, to more than an exchange of collar andchains.Almost any man on Gor will hasten to put his collar on a loose, beautiful female.Where isshe to run? What is she to do? All in all, escape is not a reality for female slaves.They areslaves.They will remain slaves.Too, they are branded, which further makes escape, for almost allpractical purposes, an impossibility for them.Interestingly, ear piercing, too, can make itdifficult for an escaped girl to elude detection.Ear piercing, interestingly, from an Earth pointof view, is regarded by most Gorean women, slave and free, as more degrading than the brand.Slavegirls native to Gor dread it terribly, perhaps because it is so visible, the piercing of theirflesh being so flagrantly erotic; what man would even think of freeing them if they had piercedears? They beg their masters not to pierce their ears.Their pleas, those of slave girls, arecommonly ignored.Their ears are pierced.Afterwards, it might be mentioned, they are usuallyfile:///F|/rah/John%20Norman/Slave%20Girl%20Of%20Gor.txt (44 of 227) [1/20/03 3:34:30 AM] file:///F|/rah/John%20Norman/Slave%20Girl%20Of%20Gor.txtpleased with the piercing of their ears, and grow quite proud of this erotic dimension added totheir beauty; not displeased are they either with the lovely adornments which their master may noworder them to fix upon their body; free women, it is no secret, in many respects, envy theirenslaved sisters, their beauty, their joy, their attractiveness to men; this may explain why freewomen are often quite cruel to slave girls; most imbonded girls fear greatly that they might bepurchased by one of the dreaded free women.I have wondered sometimes if free women on Gor mightnot be happier if their culture permitted them to be somewhat more like the slave girls they soheartily despise.It seems a small enough thing that a free woman might be culturally permitted tohave her ears pierced and, thus, be permitted earrings.Would it make so much difference? But thebonds of culture are strong.On Earth a free woman would not think of having herself branded,though it might improve her beauty; similarly, on Gor, a free woman would not consider having herears pierced.Among slave girls, however, ear piercing, inflicted upon them by the will of theirmasters, is becoming widespread on Gor; one might say it is gaining considerable popularity amongmasters, which accounts, of course, for its growing frequency in the female slave population ofthe planet; it is a custom which derives, I am told, from the city of Turia, which lies in Gor'ssouthern hemisphere, an important manufacturing and trading center.A girl with pierced ears is, of course; either a slave or a former slave.If she is a formerslave, her papers of manumission had best be in perfect order.More than one freed woman, becauseof pierced ears, has found herself again on the block, again reduced by strong men to the helplessstate of bondage.Such a woman is usually, by intent, sold away from her city, delivered for apittance to a foreign buyer.My ears were not pierced, so I needed not fear that the piercing of my ears would betray me to thecasual glance of a Gorean male as a slave girl.I was, however, branded.Gorean free women, nomore than the free women of Earth, do not wear brands.Only slave girls, on Earth or Gor, arebranded.On Earth, where slavery is practiced, commonly only troublesome girls are branded.OnGor, on the other hand, all slave girls are branded.I did not think I could well escape with my brand.It marked me too well as a slave.I did not speak to my master.He was, I supposed, considering my punishment, for having attemptedto escape.I did not know at that time what was commonly done to a girl who has attempted to escape, and hasbeen recaptured.It is just as well.Much depends on the master but, commonly, the first time sheis recaptured, she is treated with great lenience, as being only a foolish girl.Commonly, she isonly tied and lashed.Should she attempt escape a second time, and be recaptured, she is commonlyhamstrung, the tendons behind the knees being severed.Almost no girls attempt escape a secondtime.I did not know at the time but even the thought of escape was a foolish one.Many girls, even should they be so fortunate as to reach the walls of their own city, may not beadmitted through its gates.Their slavery, even though no fault of their own, has deprived them ofall their rights and cancelled their citizenship."Flee or be chained, Slave," is often said to them.They turn and run weeping from the gates.Some girls attempt to flee to the greenwood forests of the north [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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