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."You should sleep, my One." Kade settled Surial more comfortably on his chest,finishing his bread and tea and throwing another log upon the fire."I will go for water inthe morning.""I love you."The words were quiet, mumbled, Surial already half asleep."As I love you, my One.Sleep."Surial did, safe and warm in his arms.Kade watched the moon cross the sky, counting one star for each beat of his One's heart.Guardians of the Wind - 160 Chapter TwentyThe night passed quickly, the sky lightening with the rose-colored light of dawn.The firewas fading, so Kade threw the final logs on the coals and wrapped Surial up in the extrablankets before heading out into the woods, nickering for Lit'ka to follow.By the time he washed his face and gathered clean water, a few armfuls of wood and twohandfuls of rosehips to boil down for tea, the sun was up, the morning birds singing.As he built up the fire and cooked, Kade judged their stores.If Surial wanted to stay inthe mountains for winter, they would need to find a place to set up tents, gather food.They had enough oats for two weeks, perhaps three and the ground flour, but theywouldn't survive a winter.There were villages at the foot of the mountains, four or five hard days ride away,perhaps he could barter there for food, enough meal and flour and honey and dried beansto last through the snows.Kade poured the rosehip tea into a mug, its dark rose color and tart smell reminding himof his youth.He drank his portion while waiting for the flatbread to bake.Surial murmured and wriggled."Something smells good." He yawned and stretched andthe green eyes blinked open, a warm smile in them.Kade smiled over."Rosehip tea and fresh flatbread.How are you feeling, my One?"Surial pushed himself up, resting on his elbows, the blankets slipping down to hisabdomen.He grinned at Kade."Better.""I am glad of that." Kade pulled the bread from the coals, rubbing honey along the topand slicing off a chunk for Surial, placing it in a bowl with a good-sized piece of cheese.He handed that, plus a mug of tea, over with a warm smile."Eat, my One, and build yourstrength.""Yes, I need strength if I plan to do more than sleep the day away again." Surial's smilegrew sultry."And I do have plans.""Do you?" Kade shook his head with a chuckle."Perhaps, if you manage to stay awakefor longer than a candlemark after your belly's full, we can discuss these plans of yours."He walked back to the fire and cut himself a slice of bread, eating with one hand whileadding more rosehips to the kettle with the other."Discussion isn't a part of these plans, my lion.Not to begin with anyway." Surial waseating with more appetite than Kade had seen in days, perhaps even weeks.Guardians of the Wind - 161 Pouring himself another mug of tea, Kade poked at the fire, making it pop and roar.Thenhe added another slice of bread to Surial's bowl and sat down beside him, nibbling on apiece of cheese.Leaning, Surial rested against him, head heavy but right against his shoulder.One ofSurial's hands slid along his leg, resting on his thigh; Kade could feel the heat of itthrough his breeches."So, my One, do your plans include staying put or moving on? I think there's a chill raincoming, the sky was pink this morning.If we stay, I think I should pitch the tent, find agood covered place for our fire.""Can we stay another day before moving on? I want." Surial's grip on his thigh tightenedand then gentled again."I need you, my lion.I need to feel your skin against me, yourheat and passion.There's an aching empty spot inside me that only you can fill.""We can stay as long as you would like." Kade reached down and covered Surial's handwith his own."And I am yours, whenever you need me."Turning his hand, Surial linked their fingers."And is it what you need as well, my lion?Am I what you want?" Dark eyes looked up at him, solemn, slightly worried."Why would you ask me that, my One?" Kade frowned."Have I done anything to makeyou doubt me?" Deep inside, Kade cringed, waiting to discover what else he was that hurthis lover, what other part of himself needed to be cut away to give Surial peace.Surial's hands slid over his face, caressing, thumbs sliding over his lips and then his scars."You just seem." Surial shrugged."I don't know, it just feels like you re sad, thatsomething's not right inside.I can't really explain it.""You fret too much." Kade closed his eyes, bending his head toward Surial's touch."Ihave been worried about you.You have been so tired, so weak.I want my ki'ita wholeand healthy."He felt Surial's smile against his lips."I'm not weak anymore, my lion [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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