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."Don't make me break down the door, love.""Don't break your house.Just leave me alone for alittle while.""I did.Now it's time to let me in."He heard the door knob rattle again, then the pushlock popped out.Damn it.Hunter came in, looking talland studly and concerned.Gravity - 68 He sighed, head ducking."I just need some alonetime."Hunter kneeled in front of him."I think you've hadenough time alone in your head." Hunter's warm, whole,lovely hands wrapped around his."They're ugly.'""They're yours, and that makes them beautiful."He shook his head."They used to be.""They still are -- just in a different way."He stood up, stumbling out of the bathroom, visionblurry with tears.Nothing was the same.His voice wasdifferent.His body.His face.His hands.His world.Hunter's arms wrapped around him from behind andpulled him up against the strong body."Leave me alone." He held on tight."I can't." Hunter didn't let go, just held him there inthe hall."They broke me.""They did.But you can heal; you can make a newyou.They haven't won.""I'm so tired." He wanted to go to bed, sleep forever."Let's go sit in the garden.The sun is beautifultoday."He nodded, let Hunter lead him to the courtyard, tothe huge, soft chaise lounge that waited in the sun.Hunter sat and pulled him down to lounge together.Hehid his face in Hunter's throat, closed his eyes tight.One of Hunter's hands slid along his back, up anddown, over and over.The tension started to disappear,fade away, under Hunter's touch."I know you wanted more from today, but you'vetaken an important step, a big step.""Can I stay here?" Just for a few more days.Maybe acouple of weeks.Gravity - 69 "You're staying.Now that you've healed more, I'dlike you to move to my bed.It's more than big enough."He nodded.He'd love that.For Hunter to hold himwhile he slept."Good." There was a wealth of satisfaction inHunter's voice."I don't know what to do now.I feel lost.""I see you, though.I've found you." Hunter tilted hischin and stared into his eyes."Please don't make me fall in love with you again.Itwould be so easy." Easier than breathing."Falling in love with you again was even easier."Hunter slowly brought their mouths together.Forrest moaned into the kiss, eyes closing as tearsthreatened again.He was so tired of crying.Hunter's lipsmoved against his, the man's breath filling him.It lethim take one long, deep breath in.Hunter's tongue slidgently against his lips.Forrest opened -- how could he not? Humming,Hunter accepted his invitation, tongue dipping into hismouth.The touch was gentle, warm, loving on him.Hunter was so warm, hands still holding his, easing theache.They kissed each other for a long time, soft, gentle,lazy kisses.Hunter didn't push it into anything else, justheld him, kissed him.He thought he'd just stay, rightthere.One hand let go of his, Hunter stroking his beard, andthen his hair."It's getting long." He'd never worn it so long."It is.With the beard you look like a hippie.""Good." Maybe no one would look at him, payattention to him."I like you clean shaven.Groomed."He shook his head."I'm going to just let it all grow."Gravity - 70 "We'll see." Hunter looked right at him as he said it."I'm never shaving again.Never wearing tightclothes.Never going dancing.Never looking at myselfin a mirror."Hunter shook his head."No.You're not going to stopliving.""I can do what I want." So there.Hunter's smile was rather Mona-Lisa-like -- it heldsecrets.Forrest found himself fascinated with it again,just watching."I want you," Hunter said quietly."I want to touchyou.""I don't know if I can get hard, Hunter." He tried totake Hunter's hand, willing his own to work.Hunter's fingers wrapped around his."I won't beupset if you don't, but I want to touch you, I want to giveyou the pleasure of that at least.""I want to be with you.""Good.Thank you."He leaned a little."I'm nervous.Weird, huh?""No, I don't think so." Hunter kissed beside hiseyebrow."It's private out here, warm in the sun,comfortable.""It's lovely." He followed Hunter's lips.Hunter teased him, mouth sliding over his cheeks andacross his nose, along his jaw line.He leaned intoHunter, letting the man hold him.One hand slid alonghis arm, warm on his skin."I've missed the way you smell.No one ever smelledlike you.""How do I smell?" Hunter's hand kept moving, nowfrom his arm to his chest, fingers lightly dancing on himthrough the material of his t-shirt."Like coming home."Gravity - 71 "Oh." Hunter pressed their lips together, kissing himpassionately this time.He cried out into the kiss, meeting the hunger easily.He wanted Hunter to want him, to need him.Hunter'stongue pushed into his mouth, taking him this timerather than exploring [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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