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.Fuck, but Francis was tightand hot, holding his prick inside.He let Francis ride, lethim control the rhythm, the depth.When Nick couldn't hold back anymore, he startedpushing up, meeting Francis every time his boy camedown.Then he grabbed Francis' hips, taking control ofthe rhythm."Gorgeous fucking boy." He moved them togetherfaster; Francis felt so amazing around his prick.The long hair was coming loose from its braid,Francis' lips open and swollen as they fucked.He got107 one hand around Francis' prick, letting their movementsdrive the hot flesh along his palm."Yes.Oh, so much." It was, and it was only thebeginning.He encouraged Francis to bend over for a kiss.Sosensitive, so aware, Francis leaned in, offering thoselips.He fucked them with his tongue, rhythm matchingthat of their lower bodies.He was close, and he knewFrancis was too, the pretty cock dripping for him."Okay, Kitten.Together.Now.""Now." Francis arched, curled down toward him."Yes!" He thrust up twice and filled the condom withspunk.The heat of Francis' come felt good on his belly.He stroked his boy through a few shudders and aftershocks, and then rubbed the come into his belly.Francischeek rested on his shoulder.He panted, strokingFrancis' back, trying to catch his breath."Can I spend the rest of the night?" Francis asked andhe loved that his Kitten trusted him enough to ask forwhat he wanted."Yes, please."He eased out of Francis and got rid of the condom.They cleaned up and then Francis was in his arms,curled close.He could get used to this.He really could.Nick hoped he would get the chance to.108 Chapter SevenFrancis waited at the fairgrounds, the crowd happyand laughing, the weather sunny and perfect.He couldsmell cotton candy and hear the sounds of silly games.Itwas going to be fun, once Nick showed.Finally, he saw Nick, heading in his generaldirection, looking around.Nick looked so good in a pairof red and black shorts and a tight, white t-shirt.Helifted his hand, almost waving.Was that too eager? Tooweird? Nick's face lit up and he waved back, startedtrotting toward him.Okay.Okay, cool.Not too eager.Nick wrapped him in a hug when they got together,kissed him softly, right there in front of everyone."Nick." He'd worked hard for the last few days,making good tips, comfortable with taking some timeoff."God, it's good to see you.Missed you yesterday."Nick kissed the tip of his nose."I missed you, but I worked hard.I made goodmoney.""Yeah? Excellent.Does that mean you'll buy me acandy apple?""I will.You can have anything you want."Anything at all."Oh, now, what if what I want isn't for sale?""They'll have candy apples." He winked, paid fortheir admission.Nick laughed softly, hand brushing Francis' ass."Be good, now," he teased.God, what a pretty day."I thought I was being good.""What do you want to do first?" There were animals,crafts, vendors, games."Let's look at the hand-made stuff.""Okay.Do you have any pieces in here?"109 "No, I pretty much work exclusively for the BDSMcommunity these days.""Like Marcus Goodfellow?"Francis had met Marcus a number of times and quiteliked the man.His sub, Jim, was nice, too.Polite.Interesting."That's right.They keep me in more than enoughbusiness.Speaking of Marcus, have you seen any of hiswork? He's amazing.""I haven't, no.They come into the shop.They'reKillian's clients.""They're stunning together." Nick's hand slipped intohis."Oh, look at the glasswork.""It's neat, huh? Fucking delicate.""Yeah.A bitch to work with, too, from what Iunderstand." Nick looked at the pieces, careful not totouch anything."You ever tried?" He wasn't crafty, really."No.I heard that if you sucked in instead of blowingout you could burn the shit out of your mouth anddecided it wasn't for me."He looked at Nick, just a little horrified."Whoa.""Yeah, I know, right? I mean, maybe I was beingpunked, but even if it's not true, I'll never get that imageout of my head.""No shit." His tongue flicked out, wetting his lips.Ow."They make some beautiful stuff, though, don'tthey?" Nick seemed particularly taken with a warped,multicolored bowl with edges that were shaped almostlike flames."They do." He checked the price.A hundred andtwenty.That would be a neat gift for Nick.110 They'd nearly moved on to the next booth when Nickstopped and laughed."Look, it's a kitten." It was, too,tiny and perfectly formed, and multi-colored."Meow." He rolled his eyes, winked.Nick laughed.God, the man looked amazing when helaughed.Happy and youthful -- not that Nick was old,but the laughter made him seem lighter somehow.Francis just soaked it in, enjoyed every second.Nick drew him to the next stall, frames carved fromwood with burned accents.There was nothing herenearly as nice as anything he'd seen at Nick's, though hesupposed it was really a different craft.Nick talked shop with the artist, though, and Franciswandered back to the glass stall, buying the bowl forNick."Can you hold it, please?""Sure.We close up right at six, though, so you'll needto come back for it by then.""I will.I promise." They would be heading out beforethat, he thought.He slipped back to Nick's side, just as Nick shook thewoodworking man's hand.He smiled at Nick, nodded."Having fun?"Nick's hand slipped back into his, easy as pie."I am.Though I think I want that candy apple before we go anyfurther.My stomach has started making scary noises."He thought Nick was teasing.Mostly."Dessert first, then?" He could handle that."Yeah.Let's be rebels." Nick grinned, leading themtoward the little cart across the way.Francis ordered Nick an apple, himself, cotton candy."Oh, you have to share.No other cotton candy is asgood as an outdoor fair's cotton candy.""Do I have to?" He dared to tease, gently."Are yousure?"111 "Yes.Quite sure." Nick grinned and reached out,snagging a handful of fluff."Thief! Candy thief!" He was chuckling, tickled.Nick put the cotton candy in his mouth, moanedbriefly, and then said, "Yes," and stole another handful."Eat your apple!" He snagged a bite of his own, thesugar melting in his lips."It's more fun stealing yours," Nick admitted, thoughhe did, finally, take a bite of his candy apple."Is it good?" Francis wanted to lick the crunchycandy off Nick's lips."Yeah, so's this.It tastes fresh, not like it's beensitting around for weeks." Nick offered him a bite."I don't like them, thank you.""No? Not a fan of apples at all, or just candied ones?""Just candied ones.They're hard to bite.""They are.I remember one year, when I'd lost threeof my front teeth at the same time.I had to lick all thecandy off and then cut up the apple because I couldn'tbite down on anything.""Oh man.That would suck." He grinned, though.There was something so fabulous about knowing thesekinds of things."I felt extremely sorry for myself.Although the haulfrom the tooth fairy rocked, so I probably shouldn'tcomplain." Nick gave him a grin and took another bigbite of the candy apple.That made him chuckle."My sisters told me that thetooth fairy only came for girls." He had two of the mostoverprotective, crazy, wonderful sisters on earth."Seriously? You got screwed out of your tooth fairymoney?" Nick shook his head."How many sisters doyou have?""Two.And no, my mom had a fit, but I believed themat first." Elise and Jessi were fierce.112 Nick laughed."Oh, man.Are you close with yourfamily?"Francis nodded."I am.I have five nieces, two sisters,a mom.They all live near Vegas.""That's a lot of girls.""I know! My dad died in a training accident whenMom was pregnant with me, so I never met him.""Oh, I'm sorry."He shrugged."It's not a thing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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