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.Get some sleep andyou ll realize what an idiot you re being.He slept restlessly until2:30, then called Bishop s mobile. Michael, Bishop said. I was sorry to hear about your father.That caught him o guard. How did you. I saw it in the paper.I tried to call, but your cell phone was out ofservice. Thanks, Michael said. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Is your mother all right? You re behind the curve, Detective.Have you got time for me to come over andll you in? If you come now, I can spare a few minutes.The skies had cleared, and the temperature was near.It seemed crazy80to have this kind of heat wave in November.Michael thought of Roger;Black & White249whenever the subject of global warming came up he would point out that badkings always brought bad weather. The time is out of joint, he would quotefrom Shakespeare. O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right.Roger was probably there in his voice mail, with Ruth and Bishop, yet an-other call he didn t want to take.Bishop met him in the lobby, as before, and Michael began his story on theelevator.He talked about Mercy and his father, his birth, Mercy s suicide.Hetalked about the weapons in the Biltmore Hotel and the revolution that failed.For reasons he didn t entirely understand, he didn t mention Donald Harriman.By that point they were seated in Bishop s o ce. So you don t think any-more that your father was involved in Howard s death. No, except as an accomplice after that fact.I m more convinced than everthat it was Randy Fogg.Who showed up at the funeral, by the way, to make aspeech about the debt Durham owed my father for knocking Hayti down andburying Barrett Howard under the expressway. In those words? He didn t mention Howard by name.And his contingent of nrc pals was there tocheer him on. Not in hoods, I hope. They might as well have been.Did you know that they meet at WilmerBynum s farmhouse, like they ve been doing for years, the rst Wednesday ofevery month?Though Bishop hadn t moved, his attention had snapped into focus. How do youknow that? Can you prosecute me for what I say here?Bishop spoke carefully. I won t talk to you o the record.I won t promiseyou immunity.But if you confess that you threw a candy wrapper on the streetor ran a red light, I don t think the State is going to care. I broke into Wilmer Bynum s house. It was a relief to confess it. There s agiant basement underneath that s a meeting hall.I ve seen it with my owneyes.Page 191 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Did you take anything? Damage anything? No.And it is my grandfather s house.That gives me some right to be there. I thought you said Ruth Bynum wasn t your birth mother. Wilmer Bynum was Mercy s father.Bishop leaned back in his chair, the light glinting o his glasses. Allright, Michael, I m impressed.You ve obviously got some detective skills.Letme point a few things out to you.First of all, there is no law against beinga mem-ber of the Night Riders of the Confederacy.There is, however, a law againstlewis shiner250illegal entry.Not only can I not keep you out of jail if you persist withthis kind of crap, there s no guarantee that you won t get killed. There s more, Michael said. What do you mean? They re planning something.An action or something.This Saturday. What kind of action? I don t know.I saw it marked on a calendar. Maybe it was somebody s birthday. No.It s going to be something big.I think lives are at stake. This is what, a hunch? Yes. Okay.I respect hunches.I wish you d give me more to go on. What s happening Saturday? Someplace where there might be a lot of people. There s football.Duke s away at Florida State, unc s playing Virginia Tech here.State s at home against Georgia Tech.There sno big concerts or special events.There s live music at the clubs, maybe arace angle there.Michael shook his head. That s the kind of stu that happens every week.I m thinking something really unusual. I ll follow up on it, Bishop said. I promise if you ll give me your wordyou ll back o.I don t want to get called out to a crime scene and nd yourbody.Michael stood up. Something s going to happen.I don t think you re taking meseriously enough.Bishop got up too. Believe me, I do not like the words  I told you so. Itgets in the papers, people remember, the whole department ends up looking bad.I will pursue this.You have to understand that all I m working with here is adate circled on a calendar. It wasn t a circle, Michael said. It was a big, black X.He called Denise from his car, bypassing the alert for new voice messages. I m working late tonight, she told him. It s going to be leftovers and bedfor me. You don t want company for the second half of that? I can t tonight, baby.It s too crazy right now. Is this because of last night? It s work, is all it is.I told you I m really swamped. Okay. I ll call you before I go to sleep, okay? Just for a few minutes.Right now Igot to run.Black & White251When he switched o the phone, Michael felt sick to his stomach.Maybeeverything was all right with Denise, he told himself.If he started a list ofall the reasons he had to feel bad, he could go on forever.Lack of sleep,stress, his father s death, Luna pages overdue, hiding out from Ruth andPage 192 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRoger, on and on.He started the car, drove to the Durham Freeway, and merged with the scant trac.As he topped the hill overlooking downtown, it all clicked in his head.He didn t trust himself to drive and talk at the same time.He pulled into thebreakdown lane and called Denise again. Denise Franklin. It s me. Michael, I m serious, I don t have time for this now. This is important.That opening at American Tobacco, that s what you rehaving to work late on, right? Yes, that s what I  When is it? When does it happen? Didn t I tell you? I don t think you did. This Saturday.November sixth.He calledBishop again. Michael, I thought we had an understanding It seemed like no one wanted to talk to him. I know where it s going to be,Michael said. The American Tobacco complex is opening this weekend.They re billing themselves as the ful llment of the Hayti dream.It s run bya black-owned consortium.This is it.I know it. Christ, I d forgotten about that.Yeah, that makes sense [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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