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.She grimaced.'Personally, I hate bugs.Nasty little things.''Little wouldn't be bad,' said Robin.'Working here doesn't bother you?' I said.'What, the zoo? I never go in there.No one goes in there but Dr Bill andBen.''Well, something obviously comes out.''It never happened before,' she repeated.Hissing from behind the door.I pictured the damn things chewing through thewood.Or escaping down the toilet and hiding in the pipes.Where the hell wasMoreland?'Did you see what they were?' said Gladys.'They looked like giant cockroaches,' said Robin.'Madagascarhissing cockroaches,' I said, suddenly remembering.'Them I really hate,' said Gladys.'Cockroaches in general.One of the thingsI like about Aruk is the dryness, we don't get roaches.Lots of bugs, period.''So we import them,' I mumbled.'I keep my kitchen clean.Some of the other islands you've got bugs all overthe place, got to spray all the time.Bugs bring disease  not Dr Bill's bugs,he keeps them real clean.''That's a comfort,' I said.A knock sounded on the suite door and Moreland loped in carrying a largemahogany box with a brass handle and looking around.'I don't see how.did you happen to notice what kind ''Madagascarhissing roaches,' I said.'Oh.good.They can't seriously harm you.''They're in there.'He advanced to the bathroom door.'Careful,' said Robin.'Don't let them out''No problem, dear.' He turned the knob slowly and took something out of hispocket  a piece of chocolate cake that he compressed into a gummy ball.Page 111 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSpreading the door a crack, he tossed the bait, closed, waited.A few seconds later, he opened the door again, peered through.Nodded, openedwider, slipped in.'My new fudge loaf,' said Gladys.Sounds came from inside the bathroom.Moreland talking.Soothingly.He emerged moments later holding the mahogany box and giving the OK sign.Chocolate smears on his fingers.Crumbs on the floor.Thumps from within the box.Hiss.'You're sure you got all of them?' said Robin.'Yes, dear.''They didn't lay eggs or anything?'He smiled at her.'No, dear, everything's fine.'It sounded patronizing and it got to me.'Not really, Bill,' I said.'How the hell did they get here in the firstplace?''I  don't know  I'm sorry.Dreadfully sorry.My apologies to both of you.''They're definitely from the insectarium?''Certainly, Aruk has no indig ''So how'd they get out?''I  suppose someone must have left the lid loose.''It's never happened before,' said Gladys.'That's us,' I said.Trailblazers.'Moreland tugged at his lower lip, rubbed his fleshy nose.Blinked.'IsupposeI must have left the lid off ''It's okay,' Robin said, squeezing my hand.'It's over.''I'mso sorry, dear.Perhaps the scent of your dog food ''If it was food they were after,' I said, 'why didn't they head for thekitchen?''I keep my kitchen clean and shut up tight,' said Gladys.'No flies, not evengrain weevils.'Page 112 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html'Our door was locked,' I said, 'and the dog food's sealed in plastic bags.How did they get in, Bill?'He went over to the door, opened and closed it a couple of times, kneeled andran his hand over the threshold.'There's some give to the carpet,' he said.'They're very good at compressingthemselves.I've seen them manage ''Spare the details,' I said.'You probably knocked a year off our lives.''I'm terribly, terribly sorry.' He hung his head.The cockroaches bumpedinside the box.Then the hissing began again.Louder.'You did handle it perfectly,' he said.'Locking them in.Thank you for notdamaging them.''You're welcome,' I said.I'd turned phone solicitors down with a kindertone.Robin squeezed my hand again.'It's okay, Bill,' she said.We're fine.'Moreland said, 'An unforgivable lapse.I'm always so careful  I'll putdouble locks on the insectarium immediately.And door seals.We'll get workingon it right now  Gladys, call Kamon and Carl Sleet, apologize for waking themup, and tell them I've got a job for them.Triple overtime pay [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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