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.In this search, the records of the house of Kliomenes, we foundentries taming to your visit there with a free woman, purportedly Lady Lita.Descriptions of this  Lady, Lita were furnished to several members of thestaff.There was no difficulty wi these descriptions.They were splendidly clear, anduseful and intimately detailed, even to conjectured shackle sii.es, ji as onewould expect of descriptions of a female in a slave garment.The descriptionstallied, of course, with those available of the Tatrix of Corcyrus. I did not know, said Publius, rising to his feet,  that was for such aPage 193 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlpurpose I was invited to Argentum.As Miles of Argentum knows, I am the friendof Drusus Rencius will not testify in this matter. You can deny, of course, said Miles of Argentum Drusus Rencius,  that shewhom you took to the house Kliomenes was the same woman you were guarding as Iputative Tatrix.In that fashion, even if Publius can be encouraged totestify, his testimony could do no more than confirm that she here chained isthe same as she whom you th brought to the house of Kliomenes.You can stilldeny ti she who is here chained is she whom you then took to I Tatrix ofCorcyrus.Drusus Rencius was silent. We have, of course, independent identifications. We do not require the testimony of Drusus Rencius in this matter, saidClaudius. I do not refuse to testify, said Drusus Rencius.Men looked at one another. Let me then repeat my question, said Miles of Argentum. Is she whom youbelieved to be the Tatrix of Corcyrus, she whom you identified as the Tatrixin Corcyrus itself, before the very throne of Corcyrus, in this room? Yes, said Drustis Rencius. Would you please point her out? asked Miles.Drusus Rencius pointed to me. That is she, he said. Thank you, said Miles. The matter is done, said a man. In making this identification, said Drusus Rencius,  I do no more thanacknowledge that I was once the dupe of Ligurious.Can you not see? He ismaking fools of us all!Ligurious looked down, as though grieved by some irresponsible and absurdoutburst. By the love I bear you, and by the love you bear me, said DrususRencius to Miles,  hear me out.That woman is not the Tatrix! She sat upon thethrone! She appeared in public as the Tatrix! She sat in court as the Tatrix!She conducted business as the Tatrix! She was known as the Tatrix! But she wasnot the Tatrix! Lets not ignore the evidence, said Miles of Argentum. The evidence, some ofwhich you yourself have presented, clearly indicates that she is theTatrix What sort of evidence would you wish? How do we know, for example, thatyou are really Drusus Rencius, a captain from Ar? Or that I am Miles, ageneral from Argentum? Or that he is Ligurious, who was the first minister inCorcyrus? How do we know anyone in this room is who we think? Perhaps we areall victims of some elaborate and preposterous hoax! But the question here isnot one of knowledge in some almost incomprehensible or absolute sense but ofrational certainty.And it is clear beyond a doubt, clear to the point ofrational certainty, that that was the Tatrix of CorcyruslThere was applause in the room. I recall an earlier witness, said Miles of Argentum,  my slave, Susan. Master? she asked, frightened. In your opinion, Susan, he asked,  did the shorter-haired slave, shekneeling there in chains, she whom you served, regard herself as Sheila, theTatrix of Corcyrus. Yes, Master, whispered Susan, her head down.I, too, put my head down before the free men, the masters.It was true.Ihad regarded myself as Sheila, the Tatrix of Corcyrus.Indeed, even now, therewas a painful ambiguity in my mind in this matter.I supposed that, in asense, Iwas a Sheila, who had been a Tatrix in Corcyrus.I was, I supposed, one of thetwo Sheilas, who, in their different ways, had been Tatrix there.I knew, ofcourse, that I was not the true Sheila, or, at least, the important Sheila,thePage 194 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSheila in whom they were particularly interested.I, too, in my way, had beena mere dupe of Ligurious. She herself, said Miles of Argentum,  regarded herself as the Tatrix ofCorcyrus.She accepted herself as that! She did not deny it or dispute it! Whynot? Because that is who she was! No! cried Drusus Rencius [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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