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.""Of course," said Cuwignaka."Their war medicine is probably stronger.""I see," I said."Let us return to our lodge," said Cuwignaka."You speak Gorean," I said."You have lived with the white men.""Yes?" asked Cuwignaka."Do you really believe this business?" I asked."What business?" he asked."About the shields," I said."Of course," said Cuwignaka."Be serious," I said."I do not know," smiled Cuwignaka."Maybe.Maybe not.""Do all of your people believe such things?" I asked."Most, I would suppose," said Cuwignaka."What of warriors, like Canka and Hci," I said, "would they believe suchthings?""Of course," said Cuwignaka."Let us go to our lodge," I said."Yes," said Cuwignaka."I must rest.Tomorrow I must dance.Tomorrow will be aglorious day!"page 176~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Chapter 16OIPUTAKE"Master! Master!" cried the blond-haired girl, delightedly, seizing me by thehand.She drew me happily behind a lodge.She was naked, save for her beaded collar.It was the morning of the day of the great dance.Behind the lodge she kneltdown before me.I as a man."I am so happy, Master," she said."I am sohappy!""Why are you not in the herd?" I asked, fearful for her."You have not runaway, have you?" I asked.The penalties for a girl straying from her herd, orrunning away, were not light.The first offense involved being turned over tothe women of the red savages for days of torment and torture.The secondoffense was to be punished by hamstringing and abandonment."No," she laughed, on her knees before me."I have been taken out of the herd!I am no longer in it!""Your collar is different," I observed.This was an attractive collar, withred and yellow beading.Page 113 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I have a new master," she said, proudly, happily."What happened?" I asked."Last night," she said, "I, with others, was exchanged in the giveaways.Myformer master, I think, thought he was ridding himself of a poor girl, but I,as soon as I found myself within the skins of my new master's lodge, began toserve him, delicously, and as a subdued slave.He was elated.I think he wasmuch pleased with me.He said I was a marvelous gift.He even gave my oldmaster an additional kaiila.My old master was furious then, at having let mego.But he cannot do anything about it now.I now belong to my new master.""Wonderful," I said."I now have a name!" she said."What is it?" I asked."Oiputake," she said."That s the word for a kiss," I said."Yes," she smiled."And sometimes," she laughed, "I do not know when my masteris merely calling me or ordering me to please him!"page 177~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"As you are a slave," I said, "I do not think I would take chances in thematter.""I cannot," she laughed."If I am in the least doubt, I kiss him."I smiled."And he, the marvelous monster, in my control, takes liberal advantage of thatambiguity!""Oiputake," I said."Yes, Master," she said, leaning forward, kissing me on he thigh."I see there are some advantages," I said, "in giving a girl such a name.""You men are all alike, in owning us, in mastering us," she laughed."Perhaps," I said."My Master informs me," she said, "that if I continue to please him he mighteven permit me clothing.""Splendid," I said."And he might braid my hair," she said."He must beware," I said, "lest he become weak.""I think there is little danger of that," she laughed."He is a red savage.""Would you like him to become weak," I asked, "so that you might wind himabout your little finger?""No," she said."I want only, in all things, to be his perfect slave.""He is a red savage," I said."I think there is little danger that you wouldbe permitted to be anything else.""No, Master," she laughed."You seem happy," I said."I am," she said, "unspeakable happy.And I owe it all to you.""To me," I shrugged, "or to some other man.""It was you," she said."And I shall never forget it." Her eyes clouded."There is only one thing." she said."What is that?" I asked."I am so helpless now," she said."My needs--""Yes," I said."MY appetites have been ignited," she said."My needs have been so aroused.It puts me so much, now, at the mercy of men." She squirmed, on her knees.Sherubbed her thighs together."That is common in a female slave." I said."I can hardly look at an attractive man now," she said, page 178~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"without feeling warm, and receptive, let alone being in a collar, and nakedon my knees before one.""I understand," I said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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