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. Same with me, she said finally. I told you that, remember? And yousaid something about a talisman.Danny turned to Trithil, raised his brows.She didn t have anything tocontribute but the graceful lift and fall of her breasts.He looked hastilyaway, ignored Felsrawg s mut-tered insults. We re going toHennkensikee, he said. We re going to steal Klukeshama. Broont! We re dead. A flicker of Felsrawg s hands and she was holding twinstilettos, the blades needle-fine, hardly longer than her middle finger andcoated with a dark gummy substance. I swear, before I m dead, they are.Simms sat placid as a milk pudding with cinnamon trim. Sorceror? Not the one they think I am, but yes, a sorceror. Not a prime.Page 79 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Too true.Poo the Boob caught me hopping, it s not something I m proud of,but there it is. He glanced down at the scabbed pinpricks on his wrist,grimaced. I m not asleep now.For what that s worth.Make up your minds, thethree of you.In or out?Simms eyes dropped completely shut. In, he said. Long as you stay awake. In. It was a liquid murmur, promise of delight, all that in onetiny syllable.Trithil reached up, smoothed the hair back from her face,her rings glittering. In, Felsrawg said, biting off the tail of the word as if she d like to bitesomething else.She looked down at the knives, slipped them back into theirsheaths. What choice have we got? You got a choice, Felsrawg.Enthusiasm or out. In.In! IN! Now that that s done, I need to know what you all do best.I m a whiz withwards, I can tease the densest knot open without a whisper and throw a knot ofmy own that only two people I know can undo.But there s bound to be moreinvolved than wards.Poo tells me the Wokolinka uses witches and the local godto run her security.Which is not good news, witches tap into earth forces Ican t touch; that means traps.And a god even a local one is always trouble.Which you know as well as me. He tapped a forefinger on the wrist wherePawbool had sunk his ringfangs. Any of you been to Hennkensikee? Not me. Felsrawg leaned forward, her interest caught at last. I dolocks.All kinds of locks.Walls.I m good at walls.Blowpipes and sleep powders, nobody s ever sneezedwhen I puff the powder in.That happens, you know, if you re sloppy.It canembarrass the hell out of you because they wake up. She was sparkling, almostlaughing; appar-ently she d decided to lay her resentment aside and treat theproblem as a challenge. I know metals, if that helps.And I d be a lot moreuseful if I had my keys and files and picks and the rest of my kit.The staffel took it away and haven t give it back which seems rather stupid,considering. Agreed.I ll have a talk with Poo and see if we can fix that.Simms yawned, blinked slowly. Get  m to gi me mine too; he murmured.Heruffled his spiky hair, smiled sleep-ily at Danny. Like li l Felsa there,  ma born and bred Arsuider.N er stuck my nose outside the place.Nopoint in it.I know silks, yeh, like to know why y wan to know that, donseem connect t Kluk shar.Want me t brag a bit,  m the only thief  roundbetter n Felsa at ticklin locks.An-other sleepy smile, this time directed toward Felsrawg. She w d arguethat, but tis true.Got  nother talent.Talk t rocks. What? Not so dumb as it sounds.I m a Reader.Rocks chatter like ol Grannas if youknow how to tickle em.An I m good with ghosts.Be s prised what they tell you  bout theirfolks.Just  bout all ghosts hangin round thick  nough to talk got a grudge.01 grandfa once take me right to a abdit full of pretties.Bein lazy, I m a patient man, I like to know all I can find out  bout a place fore I go in.I m good at piecin too.Bit here, bit there, you know.Drawinplans.That sorta thing. He stopped talking, having said all he meant to say. I know Hennkensikee, Trithil said quietly.Danny Blue turned to her, startled.She d shut off the hithery andlost her gloss.She was still beautiful, that was in the bone, but she dadded at least ten years and subtracted most of the life from face and eyes. I know grades and prices, she said. Pawbool said you wanted in as a trader,I can handle that for you.And I can get information for you. There was anunreadable look in her eyes, animal eyes with nothing back of them, now thathe paid more notice to them. Man or woman, both find me pleasing.And if that fails, I have certain potions that loosen tongues or do otherPage 80 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthings you might find useful. She didn t so much stop speaking as let wordsdrift away from her.Danny Blue frowned, wondering about her.His half-sires stirred in him,equally uneasy.*Maybe she s on something and it just let her down,* the Daniel phasmamuttered.*How much can you trust what she s telling you?**I don t like her,* the Ahzurdan phasma said.*I don t trust her.I don tthink she s what she seems.Maybe she s a demon of some kind.I don t smell demon on her, but there ssomething.**Can you watch her?*Sense of shrugging.The Ahzurdan phasma brooded a moment.*If youwatch her, we see her.Otherwise not.**Well, do what you can.I have to get on with this.* Aloud, he said,  Just afew things for now.We can talk more on the way there.Are there manyArsuiders in Hennkensikee?After waiting a moment for the others to answer, Trithil said,  No. Why? There has to be trade moving along the river. Not as much as you might think.The Lewinkob are suspicious of the South.They prefer to deal with the cara-vans that come in from the east. She spokein a marshmal-low monotone that he had to strain to hear; she waspassive, almost inert, giving out information like a robot. Most oftheHennkensikee silk leaves that way, that s why it s called the Silk Road. Sheglanced briefly at him, looked down again, eyes fixed on the toes of hersilver slippers. They are more than suspicious really, they hate the South;they call the disputed land between the two domains the Bloody Fields.Therehave been raids across the Bloody Fields since before the cities were.Andwars.Seven bloody wars, Dirgeland against the Tribes.No.Arsuiders are notwel-come in Hennkensikee. Would the local noses be able to sniff them out? He waved a hand at Felsrawgand Simms. If we stuffed them into normal clothes. Probably not, as long as they use the kevrynyel tradespeech even in privateand forget they know the Dirgefoth. She looked distantly at the others. Trade is blood in Hennkensikee.Blood can blind.Danny pulled his hand across his mouth. I can t hear an accent in yourkevrynyel, I can in theirs. He nodded at Felsrawg and Simms. Heavy.Whatabout that? Traders come from everywhere to buy the silks, espe-cially this time of year.They all speak the kevrynyel.They all have accents.One accent merges withthe others. How much of a background will we need? What I mean is, how many questions arewe going to have to answer? None or too many. I see.The personas have to be fleshed before we come near the city. Yes. Hmm.Simms, ever heard of a place called Croaldhu? Neh. Island off the east coast, about twelve days sail from Silili.You knowSilili? Who don ? Let s do this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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