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.What is new? No new evidence of theft.No more food has been stolen either, especially since I dropped the “Adrian is pissed” talk on folks about leaving the fucking cafeteria unlocked.Ever since that talk a few days ago, it seems as if the food is being consumed at a normal rate.I also made sure to ask Ryan to keep the gym/hydroponics building locked as well, as we don’t need anyone breaking into there to steal our shit, or to break or steal our hydroponics set up.Something I’ve totally forgotten to mention is that while I was out, Ollie managed to prep and plant garlic for us for next year! I guess it needs to grow over the winter or whatever, and needed to be planted sometime in mid to late October.He put about ten rows of it into a nice new garden on the grounds of campus.I cannot explain to you how fucking excited I am for garlic in the spring.Fresh cloves of garlic for cooking.Oh hells yes.We’ve got so much fresh produce here from the fields as well as the stuff Ryan and Becca are churning out in the hydro set up… I think we are growing far ahead of the consumption rate, but again, with all these new mouths to feed…We still need to figure out how to get fresh water to the folks at the Factory.We haven’t had to run them any water yet… Rain has been plentiful thankfully, and it looks like we’ll have a fair amount of snow for them to melt.I am still worried though.I don’t like having people in places where they can’t access fresh water regularly.Another downside to urban life in the apocalypse.I am starting to simmer the stolen food thing.My rage has subsided somewhat, and with all the clear evidence of food growing plentifully all over the place, I feel like I’m getting angry over nothing.I am still bothered by the dishonesty aspect of it, but I think I’m just taking it personally because so much of the work that went into accumulating all that food was mine.Abby and Patty helped a lot too, but I feel like that was mostly my burden.In good news, the neck feels great, and my overall level of soreness after activity is dropping dramatically.I should be able to move about without any kind of pain in a few days, barring injury, so that’s very exciting.I’d love to go out myself and see parts of town I haven’t been able to in a long time.I’m getting cabin fever hardcore.Oh well, it’ll happen when it happens.Until then, I will get my need to get out satisfied by watching these cameras.Exciting!-AdrianDecember 10thSo the strangest thing happened the other night.As you might suspect, I’ve been spending a lot of my time looking at the security feeds.I got real nosy and focused more or less completely on the Factory for awhile, but as it turns out, they aren’t terribly exciting.They just get their shit done, and that’s about it.I mentioned this already, but it bore repeating.So when I go to bed since the system was installed, I check the feeds on my laptop.The main computer recording everything is in my bedroom, so if I don’t feel like turning the monitor on, I just check it on my laptop.I’m rambling.Anyway, so I was about to crash last night and I was looking at our feeds just to help me sleep better, and I swore to God I saw something move on the feed for the rear gate camera.I can’t quite describe it, but it looked an awful lot like a blur, or an animal running by or something.I’m sure it was nothing, maybe a deer or a bear or something, but man, I was mostly asleep, and it kinda freaked me out.I spent a good amount of time just staring at the camera trying to get whatever it was that moved to reappear, but nothing did.I was half asleep anyway, and to be honest, I’m now positive that it was just my mind playing tricks on me.We put Hal on the job for watching the cameras on third shift.He said he was a natural night owl, and he’s ex service, and Kevin vouched for him big time, so it was a no brainer.I tracked Hal down at lunch today to ask him if he saw anything on any of the feeds last night, and he said it was all clear.That made me feel a little less crazy, and I’m thinking I’ll sleep much better tonight.So yeah.Weirded out a bit, but overall, pretty good.I’m fucking tired as balls right now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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