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.This was his damned fault.“What did I do?” His mind couldn’t grasp the repercussions yet.He needed to hear them.“They’re claiming “moral issues” and “personal instability.” They asked the judge to throw out my claim for custody immediately.”“But they can’t do that.There are laws…”“The judge denied their motion.He did agree to take the facts under advisement when he was making his final decision.”“You’re allowed a life! How the fuck can they do this?”“I don’t know, but it’s done.” Only now did Heath allow the tears to fall.“I’ve lost him, Hayes.I’ve lost my little brother.”Lachlan reached up a hand, prepared to wipe the tears away from his lover’s face, prepared to promise him that they would fight for Clay for as long as it took, prepared to tell him again that good guys always won…Lachlan stopped.Slowly, he pulled his hand away.He took a step back and willed his heart to keep beating just until this was done.It was now Lachlan whose jaw was clinched, whose face was nothing but cold, hard stone.Unlike Heath, however, there were no tears in Lachlan’s eyes as he spoke, “You haven’t lost anything, Isles.It’s all just a misunderstanding.”“What?” Heath asked in obvious confusion.“This whole thing between me and you, it’s a misunderstanding.”As if knowing what was coming, Heath took a step forward toward his lover.Lachlan took a step back.“I didn’t have the balls to tell you before and that’s entirely on me.I’ll take full blame for this.Hell, I’ll even make a statement for the court.”“A statement? What the hell are you talking about?” But Heath knew.He had to know what was coming next.“A statement that this thing between me and you was a mistake.That it was nothing more than a one night stand neither one of us woke up from the morning after.That there’s nothing for the court to hold over your head.”Heath did know what Lachlan was doing and he was going to stop it.“Don’t you fucking do this, Hayes!” Heath shoved him back against the railing, his fists clutching Lachlan’s shirt in rage as he shook him.“No damned way are you playing martyr for me! Do you hear me?”“I’m not a martyr,” Lachlan argued coldly as he pried Heath’s hands away.“I’m a bastard that got what he wanted.You’re a great fuck, Isles.And fucking a virgin, man, that was just too hot of a deal to pass up.”Heath slugged him in the mouth.Lachlan wiped the blood from his split lip away and continued right where he’d left off.“There’s not that many virgins as hot as you around.And you were good, too good.That was my problem.I didn’t want to let you go until I’d used you up good.”“You fucking liar!” Heath yelled in his face.He was starting to doubt though.Lachlan could see the change coming.Lachlan pushed harder.“To tell you the truth, I’d still like to keep bedding your ass but things are just a little too real with you.I could smile and pat your brother on the head for another blowjob or rimming, but once the kid started calling me Uncle Lachlan it had gone way too far.”Heath stepped back and shook his head.His eyes were red with rage and hurt.“You’re lying,” he accused again but this time there was no fire behind the words.“No, I’m not,” Lachlan forced a smirk out onto his face.“But I sure as hell lied the last two months.Man, you are such an easy prick to lie to.” Lachlan knew that would be the final straw.Heath’s feeling on being lied to were clear and deep seeded.Lachlan knew this was the end.Heath was shell-shocked.There was no other way to put it.He stumbled back another step before bending over, bracing his arms against his thighs.He shook his head and then laughed the most terribly, heartbreaking laugh Lachlan had ever heard.“I don’t buy this shit, not for a minute.But I don’t have the time or the energy to fight you on it.” He raised back up, disappointment rife in his eyes.“I’ll have my men finish your job.You won’t see me again.” Heath turned to go.“I’m sorry I didn’t end it sooner, Isles.I really am.” Lachlan dug the blade in deeper.“You’re a damned coward, Hayes.That’s all you need to be sorry for.” And with that Heath Isles walked out of Lachlan Hayes’ life.Lachlan waited until he heard the truck pull away before dropping to his knees and sobbing.Chapter EightJohn WayneIt had been two weeks.A longer two weeks Heath Isles had never known.He snorted derisively at the thought as he pulled up to the apartment complex on the outskirts of L.A.There was only street parking and luckily Heath was able to find a spot in view of the little two bedroom he and Clay would hopefully be moving into some day soon.As Lachlan had promised, he had made a sworn statement to the court apologizing for the lack of judgment on his and Heath’s part.He had then assured everyone that their so-called relationship had been nothing but an ill thought out fling.Lachlan had then used his “soapbox” to wax encouragingly about Heath’s abilities to raise a child and Heath’s total commitment to his little brother.By the end of the statement, Lachlan had provided the court with a list of very important people in Los Angeles County who could back up Lachlan’s words.It was one hell of a piece of work and probably Lachlan’s greatest achievement in fiction.The judge had seemed impressed by the name dropping and had assured Heath that Lachlan’s words would be taken into consideration in his ruling.It was as good of an outcome as Heath could have hoped for.Heath looked again through his windshield at the apartment.It was just as nice as Heath had told Lachlan.It would be perfect and the brothers would have a damned good life there.Even the judge had seemed impressed with Heath’s choice of neighborhood and school district.Heath had even allowed himself a quick pat on the back for finding this place.In fact whenever he was feeling down about the court case, he’d gotten in the habit of driving by the little apartment, sitting out front of it and just dreaming.He’d picture himself and Clay hauling boxes inside.He’d imagine them out barbecuing in the common area where they’d drag their grill on long summer afternoons.Most of all, however, he’d just picture them happy.Things were different now.The last few times he had visited this place he had still been sleeping and loving Lachlan.The screenwriter had even started to nudge his way into Heath’s pictures… There would be three instead of two enjoying grilled steaks in the twilight.Heath and Clay were no longer having to struggle dragging the couch inside.Three pairs of hands, not two, would manhandle the sofa in the front door.At night, long after Clay would be asleep in his own room, two men would walk among the landscaped yard, holding hands and stealing kisses like the teenagers in all those fucking movies always did.It was going to be so cliché, so cheesy, so absolutely perfect… no wonder it had all gone to shit.Of course, Heath knew Lachlan had lied to him.His motives, however, were not so clear.While there wasn’t a doubt in Heath’s mind that their affair had been more than a fling, Heath had begun to wonder if maybe Lachlan had been looking for an out.At first Heath at laughed the theory off.As the days passed, however, that tiny seed of doubt had started to grow.Taking Heath into your life brought not only a ready made family but a whole lot of legal shit that could drag on for years.Lachlan’s career was soaring.All along, Heath hadn’t wanted his problems to affect that career [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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