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. Because both our scents needed to be in that room to make this work. Ely s tests will prove the mating, Tanner pointed out. There s no way to keep it asecret from her. Ely doesn t have to do our damned tests, Cabal retorted. Not on us.Just on Scheme,and just enough to create the hormonal supplement she ll need to function through this.If we re going to keep her alive, Tanner, then we re going to be careful. Savage furyflashed in Cabal s eyes. I won t lose you, Tanner, and I won t allow you to lose her.We re going to catch the bastard this time.I can feel it. I don t want to lose you any more than I want to lose my mate, Cabal, Tanner warnedhim. No danger. The confidence in his brother s voice never failed to amaze him. I didn tsurvive that damned pit that long, Tanner, just to eat an assassin s bullet.My sensesare sharper than yours, especially now that you re in mating heat.With the spy believingboth our senses are dulled, my job will be made that much easier.While the two of youare in the cabinet meeting later, I ll begin checking a few things out, and watching to seewho comes upstairs.They won t expect that.Tanner pushed his fingers through his hair as he stared back at Cabal.It made sense.There were rumors about the brothers, suspicions that their animalistic abilities wentmuch deeper than anyone suspected.And they were right.Tanner s were sharper, ahell of a lot sharper than most Breeds, but Cabal s were even stronger.So strong thatsometimes he worried about what his brother actually sensed from those around him.Tanner breathed out tiredly. That doesn t fix the problem that you aren t in matingheat. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 325 of 403Cabal s lips quirked. Doesn t matter, the scent is all over me.Only a Bengal wouldknow the difference, and since there are no other Bengals here, we won t have aproblem.Tanner inhaled sharply, separating the scents in the room and narrowing his eyes.Thescent wasn t just on Cabal; it was a part of him. What s going on? he asked the other man. And don t lie to me, Cabal.You ll just pissme off. Hell if I know. Cabal shook his head in irritation. The hunger isn t there, Tanner.I mnot in mating heat for your woman.But the scent is there, like it s weeping from mypores.Let s just see what the hell happens. We need Ely on this, Tanner argued. It could be important. Do you trust her with Scheme s life? Cabal asked. That s a question you betteranswer before you bring anyone into this. We have to get Callan up here, Tanner decided.Damn, this was beginning to getcomplicated. We can t do any of this without his cooperation.And we have to make itwork. We ll make this work. Cabal s voice was hard.Savage. No matter what, Tanner, wewill make this work.CHAPTER 26There were few times in her life that Scheme could say she had been warned about thehell she was getting ready to step into.Until she arrived at Sanctuary. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 326 of 403Tanner, Cabal and Callan had warned her about the examination she needed to allow.It was an examination.How freaking painful could a simple examination be? Someblood samples, some swabs, a poke and a prod here and there.No big deal.Yet, something had warned her.She had declined eating until afterward.The sight ofblood being drawn from her arm always had the power to make her slightly ill.It wasmuch more comfortable without food lying heavy in her stomach.But had she eaten, there would have been no way to keep it in her stomach.The paindidn t make sense, even after the explanation.That the Breed mating hormone madeher flesh so hypersensitive that no one other than her mate could touch her.Nature sinsurance, the Breed doctor theorized, to make certain that the mates were given timeto bond emotionally while the hormone worked to make certain the small amount ofhuman-compatible Breed sperm had a chance to fertilize the female eggs the hormoneforced from the ovaries.Eggs whose DNA was altered by the hormone, which acted asa virus at the genetic level.The process was similar to the one used to change thehuman sperm during the genetic alterations to create the Breeds.She had become one of nature s experiments; unfortunately, her body was a defectivetesting ground [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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