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. You re awfully strong. Tommy said, sounding envious. Yeah.I am.You want to start working on what we talked about tomorrow? We can set aside alittle time each day, just the two of us, if you re comfortable with that. Soldier wanted to keephis promise to help Tommy learn self-defense. Yeah.I d like that.Tired of being scared all the time. I understand.All right, go on up.I ll see you tomorrow. Soldier nodded to the door, indicatingthat Tommy should head on to bed. Soldier? Yeah?Tommy spoke quietly, and obviously from the heart." It really is okay, I mean, the two of you.Itdoesn t bother me.I know you better now and I know you re a good man.I m glad Dillon hasyou.You make him happy.I think he was a little lonely before. So was I, kid.So was I.Soldier - 103 Chapter TenThings moved quickly when you had money and good lawyers.They checked on the status ofDillon s application and found it had been approved but not processed yet.They got that finishedand next thing they knew, he was official, with special connections to Daniel s shelter.He wouldstill only be handling the cases that Daniel deemed right for the house.Soldier s lawyers had gotten all the paperwork completed on getting the house listed in Dillon sname.A chunk of Soldier s money was set aside for the house.Soldier made the crack thatbetween the two of them (and, secretly, Gom) it could be called Scar City.Dillon laughed andsaid they should put it together and call it Scarcity.That s just what they did.Some people would mispronounce it and think it meant things that were scarce, but they allwould know it was for people who were scarred in some way, visible or otherwise.It would bepronounced with the accent on  scar because it had meaning to all of them.They discussed itwith the boys and made it clear what the name stood for, and that it did not mean they werescarred.It meant that they were there for healing and help and everyone had things they neededto get over.The boys were just lucky enough that they had people and a place to help them.They thought itwas cool, and thought of it more as Dillon and Soldier s place because they both had big scarspeople could see.Whatever worked for them.Both Dillon and Soldier liked the name and what itmeant to them was that it was theirs, shared.It was them.Dillon talked to a couple of local construction companies and went with one that had a goodreputation and could start right away.He worked with them on plans for just what he wanted.The two buildings would join by a breezeway and it all came under the name Scarcity.They met with Daniel and Soldier took a look at all the paperwork on the boys and got a betteridea of how the deal worked with Daniel and the Social Services workers.Soldier filled outforms and got his process started, giving details on the new building and the fact that he wouldhave a private apartment in it.The apartment entrance was what would connect to the otherbuilding through the breezeway and would be used by Dillon and Soldier for getting back andforth when needed.Everyone else would use the front or back entrances.At some point, Soldier saw them living together in the apartment, which would be big enough forthat to happen and they could get someone else in to stay at the other house.as the kids wereolder and less needy.They would always have needy ones and they would always get the attention they needed.Bythen, they might just be housed in Soldier s building.It all depended on the laws governingTexas and how much trouble came from them being gay and working in foster parenting.Soldier - 104 It was about four days later that they had a visit from Officer Bradford again and this time he hadhis partner, Officer Jansen, with him.When Jansen stepped back a little at seeing his scars,Soldier figured they might have trouble with this one. So you re the ones who have the little boys here, huh? How s that workin out for ya? Exactly what are you referring to, Officer? Soldier didn t like the sneer in his voice.OfficerBradford looked embarrassed, but said nothing. After Bradford here told me what was going on here, I figured it needed to be checked out alittle more thoroughly.Sounds kind of fishy to me.I want to see those boys down here now and Iwill be deciding if it s healthy for them to stay here. Pompous authority rang in the officer svoice. By whose authority will you be making decisions about these children? Soldier demanded,thinking the man was not only big and rude, but a smartass, too.The man seemed to be trying tofind something bad going on here.Well, Officer Asshole was in for a surprise.Soldier wasn teasily intimidated.He knew the police couldn t come in here, on Soldier s property, and demandthings, but he didn t want to cause a problem for Daniel and Dillon s program. I don t need nobody s authority but this badge.Now bring  em down here.What re you afraidof? Again, the sneer in the officer's voice made his thoughts clear.He thought he was going tofind evidence of wrongdoing in this house and he appeared delighted at the prospect. I m not afraid of anything.They re afraid of loud people yelling questions at them.Be nice. You re telling me how to do my job? Officer Jansen said incredulously. I m asking you to be calm and nice to these boys.They re here because they ve been abused bygrown ups.They scare easy. Yeah.I bet they re scared of you.I m sure they mind what you say.Dillon started to say something, but Soldier held up his hand and shook his head.He d comeacross this kind before.He hoped he could undo whatever damage this man did here today.Helooked at Officer Bradford and asked,  Do we have to let him see the boys? Shouldn t he havesome kind of formal papers or something before he can demand to see them? It s going to causethe kids a lot of distress. Soldier could imagine Gom and Tommy being scared to death of beingtaken away, and Jack would probably go after Jansen if the officer said something rude to theboy. I think it would be better to not cause any trouble and just let him see them.We re not here totake anyone away.He just doesn t like it that you two are working with them.He s a little. Homophobic?Soldier - 105  See, I told you they were queers.You said you didn t know.It ain t right, them being withyoung kids.Hell, they could do anything. Watch your mouth. Soldier said quietly. You threatenin me? Are you that stupid? Jansen looked gleeful, apparently hoping Soldierwould do something he could take him in for. Not at all.Just don t say anything ugly in front of these kids.They don t even know we re.asyou say  queer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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