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.Cheregian nodded, thinking sixteen thousand ships. I ll see what I can do, he said, then tapped keys and spoke to his phone.Hewas put on hold, but only for half a minute.Meanwhile he keyed the call tohis desk speaker, so Draveç could hear both sides of the exchange.A woman s voice spoke. This is Ambassador Khai.What can I do for you, Mr.Cheregian? I have a gentleman in my office, a Mr.Drago Draveç.He was referred to me bya business associate who feels I might have more influence with you than hewould.Mr.Draveç would like to propose something to you regarding the alienintruders.And he seems to me worth listening to.He s one of CommodoreMorgan s associates. Indeed! Well. There was a moment s silence. The alien intruders. Anothersilence. I ll send a car for him.It should arrive at your roof in tenminutes.Considering what Commodore Morgan has done for humanity, we owe himthat.With eyebrows raised questioningly, Cheregian turned again to Drago, whonodded. He ll be waiting,Cheregian said, then disconnected.* * *Drago went to the embassy in the ambassador s chauffeured floater.Theambassador didn t ask many more questions than Harlan Cheregian had.She dalready alerted her savant s attendant.Now she talked her way toAdmiralty Chief Fedor Tischendorf himself.With Tischendorf  on the line, sheturned the session over to the pirate, prepared to assist if necessary.Savant communicators duplicated not only the speakers words, but their voice,tone, and emphasis, as nearly as their vocal equipment allowed.Which wasnearer than a listener might think possible, given the typical savant s mentaland physical difficulties.To Drago it was almost like listening to theadmiral himself, who took him seriously, and definitely seemed interested.Tischendorf famous for his recall remembered Drago from twenty years past.ThePage 30 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlpirate had been a promising midshipman, till he d been expelled for repeatedunacceptable behavior while on pass.The Space Academy was fairly lenientabout minor misbehavior on pass, but Draveç s had outgrown minor.His loyaltyand command potential had never been questioned.His problem had beenimpulsive mischief or violence, usually inspired or aggravated by alcohol.The admiral and the pirate rather quickly agreed on what Drago couldreasonably hope to learn about the aliens, and how to approach the mission.Then Tischendorf spoke with Ambassador Khai again. MadamAmbassador, I d appreciate it if you d arrange the transfer of AmbassadorRees s savant to um CommodoreDraveç.And the savant s attendant, of course.Can you do that?Rees, Drago realized, had to be the Commonwealth s evacuee ambassador toDarwin s World. I ll propose it to Ambassador Rees. Do you expect him to balk? I don t expect him to, no.He doesn t need a savant; he no longer has anembassy.And he s been an agreeable guest. Good.Let me know when it s arranged.And Drago, keep me informed of yourprogress.Though she couldn t have said why, Ambassador Khai had felt a moment smisgiving when Tischendorf asked her to arrange the meeting with Rees.Whenshe went to Rees s small embassy apartment and broached the matter, the man sface went wooden was the best description.But he agreed to talk with Draveç.Ten minutes later she brought Draveç to Rees s living room. Mr.Ambassador,she said,  I d like you to meet Commodore Drago Draveç.Commodore Draveç, thisis Ambassador Llewellyn Gustavo Rees.Now Rees s face was more stony than wooden.Drago realized something wasseriously wrong, but extended his hand. I m pleased to meet you, Mr.Ambassador.Rees s arms remained stiffly at his sides. I had never, he said,  expectedthe pleasure of meeting one ofMorgan s men under such gratifying circumstances.Drago frowned, his extended hand lowering. It seems you don t like me, hesaid slowly. Care to elaborate on that? First let me say how pleased I am that your nest of hoodlums has beendestroyed.And if you think I dislike you.I hate your master, HenryMorgan, with a passion you could never understand.The pirate s gaze was mild, but it didn t soften Rees. I got that, Dragosaid, hoping to get the meeting back on the subject. And I suppose it sappropriate for you to hate him.And me.What do you think about the aliens? I prefer them to you.They perform their atrocities against foreignlife-forms.You perform yours against your own species.Drago stood quietly, groping for a useful response, something that wouldn ttorpedo his proposal. Ah.Meanwhile the matter at hand is a reconnaissance of the alienarmada.And I need your savant to make it work. You shall not have her, sir.First of all, you intend no reconnaissance.Thatis a cover, a sham.Your intention is to get hold of a savant for your ownpiratical purposes.And my savant is female I ll wager you d like that,wouldn t you?Drago s hands took them all by surprise.Quick as snakes they grabbedLlewellyn Rees by the shirt front and jerked him close, even as the seamssplit.The violence shattered the man, who began to babble.But to Drago thebabbling made sense. Do you remember the yachtGuinevere, Mister Pirate? Do you remember the officers and crew jettisoned outthe trash lock? One of them was my younger brother! Murdered! Cold-bloodedly,without even being accused of anything! Our sister was Gomer Colwyn s niece,Page 31 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsent off in a lifeboat.It was she who told us what happened.Rees was panting and trembling with repressed hysteria.Drago stared and let him go.All he could say to the man was,  I m sorry.Iunderstand. To AmbassadorKhai, he said  Let s go.Two minutes later they were alone in her office.The emotional encounter hadleft her almost as shaken asRees, but she d remained oriented on Drago s mission. You ll have yoursavant, she said. I ll messageKunming, tell them I m going to let you take Peng, and I ll take Lew s Lovisato myself.I m in charge here; Ihave the authority.And if they have misgivings, I ll refer them to AdmiralTischendorf [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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