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.Once Akkad was securely established, I began to encourage Sargon to take over more lands.The Lulushad been fighting among themselves, and I convinced my brother, Utu, that a consolidation under Sargonwould bring a time of peace and plenty from which we would all benefit.Utu met with our father, Nannar,and grandfather, Enlil.Enlil liked Sargon immensely.Perhaps Sargon reminded him of his own son, Nannar.Whatever the reason, Enlil granted Sargon Kingship over all of Sumer, as well as Akkad.We created a newscript to record our accomplishments,called Akkadian.I could never have made such far-reaching conquests without the approval of Enlil.In later years, it appearsI was to forget this cold, hard fact.The time of Sargon in your counting is 2334-2279 BC.His rule was a time of great glory for me.In thosedays, I was the reigning Queen of Heaven and Terra! Enlil permitted Sargon to conquer the known world fromEgypt to India, and we formed alliances and trade agreements with Ninurta, Nergal, and Ningishzidda.Grains andwine, copper and gold, and all manner of goods flowed freely along trade routes.Our people became rich, and eventhe gods seemed to be content.But in keeping with the human flaw of hubris, Sargon made a terrible mistake.Isaw it coming,- power had gone to his head.He began to think he was equal to the gods and sadly, he began todrink to excess.71 Sargon and I had borne a lovely girl whose name was Enheduanna.She was like me, beautiful andheadstrong.Enheduanna had a gift for poetry, and spent hours composing hymns to her father's greatness, hisconquests, and his physical beauty.She was in love with her father, and determined to put a wedge betweenSargon and me.I could not blame her for her feelings,- there was no one in her world to match her father.But her constantattentions had an insidious effect on Sargon.She became a priestess so she would not have to marry, and shewaited for Sargon in the temple.Filling his aging ego with dreams of youth and virility, she recited her poems andpoured him wine.Sargon desperately wanted to perform some heroic act to please his daughter.There was a temple in Babylon whose foundation soil had been consecrated and designated as sacred toMarduk.This consecrated soil was Marduk's way of keeping his claws on Babylon during his period of exile.Hehad always been touchy and possessive about Babylon.Sargon conceived a ceremony in which he removed this sacred soil to a new location, where it would serveas the symbolic foundation for a new Babylon which Sargon would build.Little did he know that this act wouldturn fate against him.When Marduk heard of this sacrilege, he moved the Pasupata Plasmon weapon into hisspacecraft and flew over the fields of Akkad and Sumer.Waves of high- intensity radiation destroyed the crops ina matter of minutes, and the ensuing period of famine caused our people to revolt against Sargon.Sargon wasforced to put down hundreds of rebellions.Men who had once worshipped and loved him raised their swordsagainst him, and praise turned to curses as the starving Lulus watched their children die in their arms.Our empirebegan to disintegrate.I was not aging, and Sargon was.He began to crumble before my eyes.I could only watch in horror as thedrinking became a nightmare.He even began to curse me, his beloved Inanna.Sargon moved into the temple to benear Enheduanna.At night, I lay alone in the huge cedar bed we had built for us.As gentle breezes blew the whitesilk curtains across our bed, the now-painful memories of our magnificent passion tormented me and a coldloneliness gripped my heart.I could not let everything we had built slip away the peaceful times, the beautifulcities.I had to face my fate alone,- 1 had to fight.I would not lose what Sargon and I had built, no matter the cost.The sight of Sargon lying on his deathbed trembling in sweat, with Enheduanna by his side, remains burnedin my memory to this day Could this be the same man whose strength had brought me to ecstasy the same man Ihad crowned as King, as my equal? For me, Sargon's end was a tragedy that changed my life forever.I was neverthe same.A part of me died that day,- the exuberant little girl who ran laughing across lapis floors was forevergone.There was no prince to rescue me or my people.I knew it was up to me to take what was mine, and I wasfully aware that the other gods would rush to claim my lands if I did not fight.I put on the garments of war andparaded through the legions of my soldiers upon my pet lion.Rallying my troops, I summoned up great war cries72 from deep within me.My soldiers were thrilled.The goddess Inanna herself was to lead them into battle.I foughtbeside them like a man as I became the goddess of death and destruction.I led my devoted armies into battle fortwo years.I killed men by the thousands.One after the other, I placed the sons of Sargon on the throne to rule in my absence.Enheduanna wrotepoems describing my massacres, saying her mother, Inanna, made the rivers run with blood.Fiercely fighting forwhat I believed to be mine, I upset the equilibrium of the gods.In the house of Enlil, a meeting was called.Enliland Ninurta came to a decision: Inanna must be stopped.The gods decided to allow Marduk to return to Babylon.Enlil and Ninurta knew Marduk would be happy to curtail the activities of Inanna; I, who had sentenced Mardukto be buried alive.As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.Marduk had not forgotten being trapped in the Great Pyramid at Giza when Utu cut off the entire watersupply, and on arriving in Babylon, he immediately took steps to protect the city's source of water, the EuphratesRiver.Marduk's engineering efforts diminished water supplies to the surrounding cities, which aggravated theother gods.They called Nergal from Africa to go to his brother,73 Marduk, and speak with him.Nergal took leave of my darling sister, Ereshkigal, and journeyed to Babylon.Nergal entered the house ofMarduk and began to flatter his brother What a great feat of engineering Marduk had achieved; however, it mustbe acknowledged that redirecting the Euphrates River had robbed the other gods' cities of water Anu and Enlil hadbecome upset.Marduk countered that ever since the Great Flood, the balance of power on Terra had been unacceptablychanged, artificially redistributed, and not to Marduk's liking.Certain weapons and power sources had beenwrongly stolen from their father, Enki.Marduk demanded that these should rightly be returned to him, and not toNergal.Marduk then threatened to poison the entire Euphrates River system if his demands were not met.I could see an opportunity in my path.I had always been very fond of Nergal, who was so smart, sohandsome.I always thought it was a shame to waste him on my sister, Ereshkigal.Enki had lost control of his boysyears ago, and Nergal and Marduk were now on the verge of a real brotherly quarrel.If I could make an alliancewith Nergal, perhaps he would serve my ambitions.So, I prepared a quiet supper for my brother-in-law.Nergalseemed happy to attend.We were in perfect agreement, we made plans, we made love.The family of Anu was self-centered and narcissistic.Driven solely by our own interests, it was easy to moveus to war or peace, whichever benefited us in the moment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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