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.Mariette, with a hat on her head, not in black but with a lightGet any book for free on: www.Abika.com The Resurrection 237dress of many shades, sat with a cup in her hand beside theCountess's easy chair, prattling about something while herbeautiful, laughing eyes glistened.She had said somethingfunny--something indecently funny--just as Nekhludoff entered theroom.He knew it by the way she laughed, and by the way thegood-natured Countess Katerina Ivanovna's fat body was shakingwith laughter; while Mariette, her smiling mouth slightly drawnto one side, her head a little bent, a peculiarly mischievousexpression in her merry, energetic face, sat silently looking ather companion.From a few words which he overheard, Nekhludoffguessed that they were talking of the second piece of Petersburgnews, the episode of the Siberian Governor, and that it was inreference to this subject that Mariette had said something sofunny that the Countess could not control herself for a longtime."You will kill me," she said, coughing.After saying "How d'you do?" Nekhludoff sat down.He was about tocensure Mariette in his mind for her levity when, noticing theserious and even slightly dissatisfied look in his eyes, shesuddenly, to please him, changed not only the expression of herface, but also the attitude of her mind; for she felt the wish toplease him as soon as she looked at him.She suddenly turnedserious, dissatisfied with her life, as if seeking and strivingafter something; it was not that she pretended, but she reallyreproduced in herself the very same state of mind that he was in,although it would have been impossible for her to express inwords what was the state of Nekhludoff's mind at that moment.She asked him how he had accomplished his tasks.He told herabout his failure in the Senate and his meeting Selenin."Oh, what a pure soul! He is, indeed, a chevalier sans peur etsans reproche.A pure soul!" said both ladies, using the epithetcommonly applied to Selenin in Petersburg society."What is his wife like?" Nekhludoff asked."His wife? Well, I do not wish to judge, but she does notunderstand him.""Is it possible that he, too, was for rejecting the appeal?Mariette asked with real sympathy."It is dreadful.How sorry Iam for her," she added with a sigh.He frowned, and in order to change the subject began to speakabout Shoustova, who had been imprisoned in the fortress and wasnow set free through the influence of Mariette's husband.Hethanked her for her trouble, and was going on to say how dreadfulhe thought it, that this woman and the whole of her family hadsuffered merely, because no one had reminded the authoritiesabout them, but Mariette interrupted him and expressed her ownindignation."Say nothing about it to me," she said."When my husband told meshe could be set free, it was this that struck me, 'What was sheGet any book for free on: www.Abika.com The Resurrection 238kept in prison for if she is innocent?'" She went on expressingwhat Nekhludoff was about to say."It is revolting--revolting."Countess Katerina Ivanovna noticed that Mariette was coquettingwith her nephew, and this amused her."What do you think?" shesaid, when they were silent."Supposing you come to Aline'sto-morrow night.Kiesewetter will be there.And you, too," shesaid, turning to Mariette."Il vous a remarque," she went on toher nephew."He told me that what you say (I repeated it all tohim) is a very good sign, and that you will certainly come toChrist.You must come absolutely.Tell him to, Mariette, and comeyourself.""Countess, in the first place, I have no right whatever to giveany kind of advice to the Prince," said Mariette, and gaveNekhludoff a look that somehow established a full comprehensionbetween them of their attitude in relation to the Countess'swords and evangelicalism in general."Secondly, I do not muchcare, you know."Yes, I know you always do things the wrong way round, andaccording to your own ideas.""My own ideas? I have faith like the most simple peasant woman,"said Mariette with a smile."And, thirdly, I am going to theFrench Theatre to-morrow night.""Ah! And have you seen that--What's her name?" asked CountessKaterina Ivanovna.Mariette gave the name of a celebrated Frenchactress."You must go, most decidedly; she is wonderful.""Whom am I to see first, ma tante--the actress or the preacher?"Nekhludoff said with a smile."Please don't catch at my words.""I should think the preacher first and then the actress, or elsethe desire for the sermon might vanish altogether," saidNekhludoff."No; better begin with the French Theatre, and do penanceafterwards.""Now, then, you are not to hold me up for ridicule.The preacheris the preacher and the theatre is the theatre.One need not weepin order to be saved.One must have faith, and then one is sureto be gay.""You, ma tante, preach better than any preacher.""Do you know what?" said Mariette."Come into my box to-morrow.""I am afraid I shall not be able to."Get any book for free on: www.Abika.com The Resurrection 239The footman interrupted the conversation by announcing a visitor.It was the secretary of a philanthropic society of which theCountess was president."Oh, that is the dullest of men.I think I shall receive him outthere, and return to you later on.Mariette, give him his tea,"said the Countess, and left the room, with her quick, wrigglingwalk.Mariette took the glove off her firm, rather flat hand, thefourth finger of which was covered with rings."Want any?" she said, taking hold of the silver teapot, underwhich a spirit lamp was burning, and extending her little fingercuriously.Her face looked sad and serious."It is always terribly painful to me to notice that people whoseopinion I value confound me with the position I am placed in."She seemed ready to cry as she said these last words.And thoughthese words had no meaning, or at any rate a very indefinitemeaning, they seemed to be of exceptional depth, meaning, orgoodness to Nekhludoff, so much was he attracted by the look ofthe bright eyes which accompanied the words of this young,beautiful, and well-dressed woman.Nekhludoff looked at her in silence, and could not take his eyesfrom her face."You think I do not understand you and all that goes on in you.Why, everybody knows what you are doing.C'est le secret depolichinelle.And I am delighted with your work, and think highlyof you.""Really, there is nothing to be delighted with; and I have doneso little as Yet.""No matter.I understand your feelings, and I understand her.All right, all right.I will say nothing more about it," shesaid, noticing displeasure on his face."But I also understandthat after seeing all the suffering and the horror in theprisons," Mariette went on, her only desire that of attractinghim, and guessing with her woman's instinct what was dear andimportant to him, "you wish to help the sufferers, those who aremade to suffer so terribly by other men, and their cruelty andindifference.I understand the willingness to give one's life,and could give mine in such a cause, but we each have our ownfate.""Are you, then, dissatisfied with your fate?""I?" she asked, as if struck with surprise that such a questioncould be put to her."I have to be satisfied, and am satisfied.But there is a worm that wakes up--""And he must not be allowed to fall asleep again.It is a voicethat must he obeyed," Nekhludoff said, failing into the trap.Get any book for free on: www.Abika.com The Resurrection 240Many a time later on Nekhludoff remembered with shame his talkwith her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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