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.Disease: Its Symptoms and TreatmentsDisease Its Symptoms and Treatments1affectseveritylikelihoodrecurrenceexpectedoutcomemedical historycurrentmake a diagnosisserious, (major)minorsuffer froma chronic probleman acute attacka tumorbenignmalignant, (cancerous)localizeda runny nosegerm, (pathogen)communicative, (contagious)non-contagiousthe treatment of choicethe course of the illnesscurable vs treatablefatalterminally ill2tentativeobvious and disturbing symptomsto consult a physician, to consult an eye specialist, If your skin becomes red and sore, consult your doctor.Consult the table on page 85.promptlysevere bleeding, (hemorrhaging)pain - bearable, persistentindicateailmentan ulcerdysenteryto be associated with3ill healthcommon symptoma cough - dry, productivephlegm (thick mucus)sputum (a substance containing a variety of material expelled from the respiratory tract)faintingdizzinessfatiguea low red blood cell counta condition known as anemianauseavomitingintestinal disordersfood poisoningdysenteryinner-ear disordersthe balance mechanismsweatingitchingrashesskin irritations4fit togethera syndromea childhood illnessabdominal painsevere weaknessliver dysfunction5to treat an illness successfullya recurrenceto identifyto ascertainmicroorganisms - tiny living bodies that are invisible to the naked eyetiny organisms, (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa)infectious diseasescommunicable, (contagious)noninfectiouschronic degenerative diseasescongenital defectshormonal disordersenvironmental and occupational diseasesmental illnessdisordersidiopathic6to be exposed toto depend on, to depend upon somethingthe body's ability to resist microorganismsnatural immunitybodily defense mechanismsthe mucous membranes that line the mouth, and noseharmless bacteriato interfere withharmful germshighly acidicdisease-fighting chemicalsspecialized white blood cells7acquired immunityexposure to germsspecific antibodiessensitized plasma cellsartificiallyvaccinesto be vaccinated with a living but weakened germto immunize peoplebooster shots of the vaccine8pharmacista magic potionswallowto disappear foreverrecommenda process of trial and errorside effects and contraindications9potent drugsan overdoseaddictive10penicillina well-known drugto be effective against a variety of bacterial infectionsmade from fungito inhibit the growth of disease-producing microorganismsto failto be allergic to penicillin11narcotic drugsin restricted dosagesto be derived fromin excessive amountsthey can cause coma or death12familiar drugsto strengthen the failing heartanticoagulantsdiureticsto remove excess fluid from the bodydiabetes14althoughthe upper respiratory viral infectionto relieve the symptoms of fluan effective painkilleran anti-inflammatory drugto be contraindicated for fluit is suspected of being a contributory cause of pneumoniacommonly knowna decongestantnasal cavityto soothe a sore throat15over-the-counter medicationslaxativesto relieve constipationtranquilizerssedativesto handle minor medical problemsto waste money on16medicationsurgeryradiation therapy follow dietary recommendationschemotherapyspecial equipmentfollow dietary recommendationsworkload17sophisticatedto develop a diseasehighly industrialized societiespollutionrapidly changing societiesunreasonably high expectationscurative powersmagicians [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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