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.Name: _______________________________Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________Intermediate Language PracticeVocabulary Test 1 (Units 2-6)1 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.0 My alarm clock didn't go off and so I overslept this morning.OVERSLEPT1 I had been in the country for a year, but I still felt like a ________________.FOREIGN2 I have never felt such great ________________ since the day I got married.HAPPY3 He's only been in the job for one week so he's a bit ________________.EXPERIENCE4 I've known him since school days.Our ________________ is very strong.FRIEND5 It makes me feel bad to see so many________________ people sleeping in the street.HOME6 It hasn't rained for months and there's a great water ________________.SHORT7 I don't like this job.I'm ________________ and overworked.PAY8 Smoking can be very ________________ to your health.DANGER9 We've got all the modern ________________ in our factory.MACHINE10 I'm really sorry, I think there has been a ________________.UNDERSTAND2 Complete each compound word with a word from the box.about ache coat doors ground makers path table washer0 Make sure you walk on the footpath , because the road is dangerous.1 Turn left at the next round________________.2 My time________________ this year is quite good - I've got nothing on Friday afternoon.3 I'd prefer to stay in a hotel with holiday________________ , rather than business people.4 Has anyone got an aspirin? I've got a terrible head________________.5 It's cold outside, I think you'll need an over________________.6 To get into London from Heathrow airport just take the Under_____________.7 You don't need to clean the plates yourself, we have a dish________________.8 It's a lovely day.Let's eat our lunch out________________ in the park.3 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.0 By 11.00 I felt so tired/tiring that I went to bed.1 How many photos did you make/take on holiday?2 I read a really interested/interesting article in the newspaper today.3 That meal we had yesterday was horrible.I particularly/properly disliked the fish.4 Have you got any more clothes to put in the dishwasher/washing machine?5 I've told you now/time and again to do your homework!6 John hates waiting more than ten minutes for a bus.He gets very impatient/unpatient.7 Sharon was early for her appointment so she read a magazine to lose/pass the time.8 Shall I turn the central conditioning/heating off.It's very hot in here.9 Marcus always said/told the truth.It was impossible for him to lie.10 It was awful/awfully difficult to read the sign as it was so dark.Intermediate Language PracticeVocabulary Test 1 (Units 2-6) 1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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