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.Fake a call, Atticus told them, thumb and pinkie extended toform a receiver, with a slight shake as if it vibrated with a silent ring.Kyle started to sulk, as he was the one who normally set up sucha ploy.Ru took pity on him.He used the Japanese hand signal ofpointing to his nose to indicate himself, a habit he got off his motherand grandparents.I'll do it.Atticus nodded.Ru was more devious than Kyle, by far.How soon? Ru asked by raising his left wrist and giving Atticusa querying look.Atticus flashed all ten fingers and then repeated the phone sign.A time delay would keep suspicion off of Ru.They hit the lobby and got off the elevator.Ru made a show of searching his pockets."Shoot," he said aloudfor Sumpter's sake."I think I left my phone and PDA upstairs.""Lax, Takahashi." Sumpter sighed.Ru handed Atticus the money."I'm going to run back upstairsfor it.I'll be back down in a couple of minutes."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rAtticus urged Kyle toward the restaurant with a look."Go see ifZheng is here yet." Atticus handed the money to Sumpter."Could youput this in the hotel safe?" And then, to give him a little nudge, "Sir.We won't need it until Saturday."A sharp glance from Sumpter indicated that the "sir" mighthave been over the top, but he took the bag without a word.Having delayed Sumpter, Atticus felt he should make sure thatKyle had given the heads-up to Agent Zheng that Sumpter was outsidethe loop.Normally Kyle could be trusted to keep his eyes on the ball,but this time his eyes would be likely elsewhere.A prickling awareness made Atticus check his stride.He focusedand found he perceived a presence beyond the wall of the hotel,pretending to be relaxed, watching and waiting.Pack."Good morning, Boy." Another's thoughts brushed againstAtticus's mind with the impression of grizzled fur and a curiousworking nose.Atticus straggled to put a face to the psyche."I'mMurray." And a face was supplied, picked from a perfect memory,created by a glance into a mirror: an unruly head of salt-and-peppercurls, a neatly trimmed beard, and dark eyes framed a nose formed byJewish ancestry."They call me Mouthpiece.Onetime lawyer, publicdefender, now Pack member.Going from one necessary evil toanother."A Jewish space alien?aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"What are we?" Atticus wondered if he could trust Murray'sanswer any more than that of the Iron Horses or Agent Zheng."Werewolves, space aliens, demon, or angel?""Angel is new." While the idea seemed to amuse Murray, therewas no indication it was correct."Any of them true?""What we did to you on the beach, we did because you can't liemind to mind.You can't create a believable memory any more thanyou can have a fully textured dream.""So?""If you want the unassailable truth, you can examine ourmemories.See how our kind came to this world.""Yeah, right." He wasn't about to let them back into his head.This casual intimacy a stranger's emotions raw and honest gratedlike sandpaper against his sense of privacy.It had been barelytolerable with Ukiah; despite everything, he had to admitreluctantly he'd been excited about finding his brother."You're the one who has to live in ignorance." Murray gave amental shrug."If you change your mind, we are denning tonight atPonkapoag Camp, outside of Randolph."How did you shut someone out of your mind? Atticus had neverlearned the trick of not listening that humans seemed to easilyachieve.He stalked across the hotel lobby, hoping that distance couldblock Murray out.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rThe hotel had two restaurants.Breakfast was being served atthe one named ironically enough the Intrigue Café.Kyle washovering nervously by the door."I thought I would be able to recognize her [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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