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.Shewatched them for a short while, hoping to catch sight of theperiscepters.This was an important mission, and she wanted it executedperfectly.Barely a few seconds into her conversation with hergrande-commander, the Overseer had patched in. No mistakes, Charun, he growled. Of course, My Lord, she said, imagining herselfdisemboweling the demon. Report to me immediately upon completion, he barked.Then added,  and if you complete your mission successfully,without any problems, there'll be a promotion in it for you.You fail, and I'll have your wings clipped. Of course, My Lord, she said again.The humans donned green cloaks made of grass from theterrain.It was crude, yet effective camouflage.Without ascanner, they'd be difficult to spot. This is going to be difficult, she said to the elite soldiers,puffing her chest.The truth was, she had never actuallycommanded or taken part in a raid before.But she waswell-versed in all combat theory. We can't just simply blast them from afar.Their brainsneed to be wholly intact.The humans possess one or several82 The Shivered Skyby Matt Dinnimanof a weapon of mass destruction.You saw what they did tothe shoals. We ain't bloody shoals, one of the soldiers growled.She chose to ignore the comment.A good leader knewwhen to leave things unsaid. Therefore it is imperative theydon't see us coming.We shall conduct maneuver number 713from your Advanced Aerial Training manual.They looked at her blankly.She whooshed her back wings angrily.Imbeciles.Thesewere supposed to be some of the best.As elite as a platooncould get without being Charun. It's a dive and decapitationmaneuver.Surely you've drilled on this before? We can do it, the Arms Officer said.The othersmurmured agreement. Commander, one of the scanners reported. They aremoving. Okay, Ungeo squawked, her voice not coming outanywhere near as powerful as she wanted. Adjust yourweapons properly.If any of their brains are injured, I'll makesure the Overseer knows of your mistake. With a powerfulswish, she hovered a few feet off the top of the tree, herservice weapon in hand.The bitter stench of excitement rosefrom the soldiers.She liked that smell.It reminded her ofdinner.* * * *Hitomi pulled the cloak tightly over her shoulders, but shedidn't pull the hood up.The wind had picked up slightly, and agrowing heaviness hung.The sense of rain tingled her nose.83 The Shivered Skyby Matt DinnimanTheir plan was to hike to the freeway that led to the city,but skirt the side.If anything came, they'd dive into the grassand conceal themselves as best they could. Everyone ready? Indigo said.They stood, all pulling their cloaks tightly around theirshoulders.They looked like a group of green monks.Theyskirted the tree line, heading toward the road.Hitomi clutched onto her periscepter like a life raft.Shetried to teach the others to use it, but the only one to getanything was still Indigo.And after the short burst of weaklight, she fell over panting like she had been kicked in thestomach.The last thing Hitomi wanted was to be in charge of theirdefense.And the thought of having killed all those creaturesstill sickened her although she knew perfectly well what theycould've done to her.Still, she never wanted to hurt anyone.Not even demons.This must be my penance.They had only been moving for a few minutes when ithappened.She became aware of a noise, and it came fromabove.Like a flag being ripped at by the wind.She glancedup.* * * *Hekka, member of the elite Dahhak Tempest Squadron,was living fury.Filled with vigor from his radiant god Moloch,he focused his rage toward the human girl.Instead ofallowing himself to just dive, he pumped his wings so hisdescent would be swifter than the others.He wanted to bethe first.84 The Shivered Skyby Matt DinnimanUnlike most of his comrades, he normally didn't have athirst for violence.But at this moment it was more than just asimple craving for battle.It was almost blinding.Though the others were unaware, Lesser-CommanderReeka had been his brother, one of a spawn of twelvethousand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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