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.They mustjourney quicker than they d been before that skirmish, or else face a much larger andbetter-equipped army.Not until they reached the spring near camp would he eventhink about stopping again.Yes, perhaps, he suddenly thought, they would put miles between themselves andSheldon and have time for that little reprieve with John near the end of their journey& There is nothing you can say, no tears you can cry, Lady Salena, that will make mebelieve you are not curious and do not desire two men at once. I do not want to talk about this anymore.Do you hear me, Montague? Do you hearme? Aye, dove, I hear you loud and clear, both verbally and within the lovely depths ofyour curious mind.For now, we will set the subject aside& until later.So he silenced all those words he d wished to convey to her.Instead, he allowedvisions to fill his head.He imagined John sinking himself between her thighs and hersubsequent cries of ecstasy.Falcon s balls swelled at the thought of her taking his owncock between those plump peach lips as John pummeled her.He could almost feel themoistness of her mouth, the softness of her skin.And he could hear her moans, sensethe rising tides of her release.64 A Wanton s ThiefAh, all he could think of was doubling her pleasure, giving her a taste of the darkside well before she d even dabbled in the straight stuff.Patience, Falcon.Despite her resistance, she s all yours.And there s plenty of time to showher all the wicked delights of the flesh.* * * * *They rode across the meadow for what seemed hours.It stretched endlessly, butnow she could see the edge of a new forest up ahead.She focused on her surroundings,struggling to erase from her mind the images his words could so easily sketch there.And she tried helplessly to empty her mind so that he could not read her thoughts.But it was no use.Even now as they neared the thick foliage, pictures of Falconmaking love to her flashed in her mind.Her heart raced, her pussy dampened as timeafter time, John too entered her thoughts, his large hands stroking her breasts as Falconburied his rod within her.The mere thought of adding another man, doubling herpleasure, seemed to take her life force from her lungs.Her passage throbbed of its ownaccord while her nipples remained hard and tingly.Tantalizing flavors burst in hermouth& flavors she hadn t yet tasted. How much longer must I endure this forced journey? We re but a quarter-hour s ride away.Soon, you will meet my sevenscore yeomenwhom history has dubbed my  Merry Men. And why have you taken last eve to raid my manor alone? Why were those loyal Merry Men of yours not with you, supporting you as they should?He shrugged. As a rule, we divide up into groups or even singles.It can bemore& productive that way. I see, she sneered. Spread the thieving about the countryside for further profit.And fool the king s authorities in the process by giving them one too many crimes atonce to investigate. Your understanding of the regimentation of such a covert plan makes me wonderif I do not have a valuable recruit within my company.She did not reply to his mockery but instead scanned the woods as they neared.Towering firs speared upward against the cloud-darkened sky.Elms, oaks and maplesmixed with the spruce forming a conglomerated, beautiful, welcoming forest.But itsbeauty would become her prison.Knowing so, she made note of every path, everyunusual tree marking, every babbling brook.Her thoughts turned to Sheldon s servant from Wyngate Hall whom Falcon hadordered taken to their camp.Mayhap if she could find him among Falcon s men, thetwo of them could devise an escape plan in secret? The idea brightened the despair inher heart.Hope grew from a mere seedling into a blooming flower.It gave her thefortitude to sharpen her intuition and listen to every word her captor said.So for now,she dashed the thoughts from her mind so he could not detect them.65 Titania Ladley You will also meet Lorcan at camp. His tone rang boastful as he maneuvered hismount around a rather wide and deep gorge.Snow continued to fall, coming down inthicker, denser flakes.A good inch or so now covered the ground.Salena shivered fromthe cold& from the anticipation and dread of what awaited her at his camp. He is my mentor.My assigned wizard throughout many centuries. Wizard?He nodded. If you think my powers are a bit unconventional, wait until you seeLorcan s.He possesses so much more energy  Falcon chuckled,   he ofttimes knowsnot what to do with it.Her interest was piqued to say the least.As she tightened her arms around hisnarrow waist, she caught the rugged scent of him.It stirred something deep within hercore, but she forced it from her thoughts and concentrated on his words.This talk ofanother sorcerer within his camp might prove to be a challenge during her futureescape. Are all of your men immortals? Nay, of my party, only myself, John and Lorcan have been cursed with lifeeverlasting. Cursed? I would think living forever should be viewed as a blessing. Nay.Definitely not.One must be immortal to know the curses of it.To live and yetwatch those you ve grown to care for die time after time&  He shook his head withvigor. Nay.Those he cares for? She wondered if this hardened criminal had the heart andcapacity in that wide chest of his to love.Being such a ridiculous thought, she let it passand asked,  So the mortals you recruit to support your causes all die off? Mm, as time passes, so do the lives of those mortals who walk with me.Therefore,we replenish our band of  outlaws as needed.You see, we must maintain our historicreputations. She caught the manner of bitterness in his voice.Something about ithummed beneath the surface with sadness and tugged at her heartstrings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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