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.`Last night you deliberately set out to makedriving this thing sound far more difficult than it really is, didn't you?'His eyes shone with impenitent laughter.`It seemed reasonable at the time,' he owned, flexing broadshoulders.`Heel!' she denounced with a reluctant half laugh.`Somehow I think I'm better off when you're nottalking to me.'`As you please, angel,' he drawled compliantly, wedging himself comfortably between the seat and thedoor, and tipping his hat down over his eyes this time.`I won't say another word till we arrive.'Dale's lips quirked eloquently.'Yes, well, although that's extremely obliging of you, before you nod offto sleep it still might be an idea if you told me just how I get to Andiah, don't you think? I know it's outthere somewhere,' waving a hand in the general direction, `but as to which particular road I'm supposedto take, I'm afraid I haven't a clue.'`Just follow Bill and he'll lead you straight there,' Corey directed without moving on hearing the soundof an approaching vehicle.`But don't get too close or we'll fill up with dust once we leave town.'With a wry smile of understanding, Dale switched the engine into life and began following the policewagon down the street.`I thought there'd be more than just those two vehicles leaving from Karra,' shecommented in surprise.'Mmm, so there were, but most of them have gone already.' Folding his arms across his chest, he settledhimself further down in the seat.`The rest are due to follow shortly.'`Then, judging by the response in the pub, there should be quite a number of people out there, shouldn'tthere?' she went on speculatively.`More than likely.'Which, of course, would mean the chances of finding Mickey would be greater, she surmised hopefully.`Do you want me to wake you up as soon as we reach Andiah, or wait until we arrive at the homestead?'`Considering you haven't stopped talking since we started to move, I'm beginning to suspect neither willbe necessary,' he returned on a sardonic note.`Oh!' She chewed at her lip disconcertedly.`I'm sorry, it's just that I've never been connected withanything like this before.'`So I gathered.' His answer was mockingly given.Wrinkling her nose at the windscreen, Dale determined not to say another word, but as her thoughtsstrayed so often and so waywardly to matters concerning him, it was an impossible resolve to keep, andafter a few kilometres she couldn't help but break it altogether.`Corey?' she murmured cautiously.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txt (34 of 80)05/05/2010 14:42:13 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txt`Mmm?,'Where do you live these days?''Denham,' came the reply in the same languid tone, and which had her mouth shaping into a reminiscentsmile.When he was half asleep his voice had a warm, rich quality to it like deep velvet.`Where's that?' she asked next, unable to place the name.`South-west.''Queensland?''Uh-huh,' he nodded almost imperceptibly.Although she felt mean not letting him go to sleep, while hewas in such a drowsy state did appear to be the only times she could extract any information from him;and she pressed on regardless.`Have you lived there ever since you left Karraparinka?'`No.' Accompanied by a very brief shake of his head on this occasion.And not terribly enlightening, Dale had to admit.`How long have you been there, then?' she ventured toprobe a little further.`Long enough.and that applies to your question time too,' he returned in somewhat less leisurelyaccents.Lifting his hat slightly, he sent her a lazily assessing glance from beneath its brim.`You do havea penchant for seeking answers when a man's least prepared, don't you, angel?'Dale hastily swung her gaze back to the front.`I'm sorry, I was just making conversation,' she burst outprotectively.`With someone who's trying to sleep?'The touch of amusement laced with mockery in his voice had her cheeks burning feverishly.Why, inheaven's name, hadn't she learnt from her past mistakes!'I-I-it was lonely with no one to talk to,' she stammered feebly.`Already?' There was far more than just a hint of amusement evident now.`We've only been on the roadfor ten minutes.How are you going to be after a couple of hours?'Fortunately, however, his increasingly taunting tone was just the spur Dale needed to regain hercomposure, at least in part, and drawing a quick breath to calm her inner turmoil, she assumed asinsouciant a pose as possible.`Quite used to it by then, I expect,' she predicted airily.`So please go back to sleep.I'm sorry I wokeyou.It won't happen again, I promise.' Nothing was more certain!To her relief, Corey seemed inclined to comply with her suggestion as he dropped his hat back into itspreviously covering position, then promptly shattered the illusion by drawling, `And as I recall, Irecommended you ask Kurt for any information you wanted in future.'As she remembered it, he hadn't so much recommended as ordered! `So you did,' she grimaced.`But if Ihad asked him instead, would he have known where you live now?'`I doubt it,' he owned drily.`But then I suspect Kurt isn't so much interested in where I've been for thelast eight years as he is in where I'm likely to be for the next eight.'Although Dale knew immediately just what he was meaning, two completely differing emotionsprevented her from going to Kurt's defence as she first intended.One was surprise due to Corey's havingmade such a comment without any prompting-and especially when only moments before he hadreminded her once again that he preferred to keep his affairs private-while the other was wariness,because she was unsure whether she should even admit to knowing what he was talking about.When she didn't reply, Corey lifted his hat slightly again and cast her a mocking glance.`Well?' hefile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txt (35 of 80)05/05/2010 14:42:13 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20spring%20fever%20TXT/spring%20fever.txtprompted laconically.`I don't know what you mean,' she finally parried weakly.`Don't know.or won't admit?'The shrewd gibe had her forgetting all about caution as her chin angled resentfully.`As far as I know,there's nothing to admit! At least, not where Kurt's concerned,' honesty forced her to amend.`And Louise.who calls the tune he jumps to?'Dale stared at him incredulously for so long that she almost ran them off the road.`Oh, she does not!'she denied scornfully after swerving back on to the track.`Kurt makes his own decisions.'`If you say so,' he acquiesced wryly, unexpectedly, with a shrug [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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