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.`That's not fair! I can keep a secret as well any of you can.''Yes, I've no doubt you can.' It was C.K.who came to her defence with an encouraging smile, rising tohis feet.`As for you three,' his eyes ranged over his sons sardonically, `I suggest you devote yourenergies to getting cleaned up, otherwise you'll be late to the table, and Doris.'`Won't give you any lunch.I hope.' smirked Rebel with a delighted chuckle of revenge as sheaccompanied C.K.to the doorway.'Cat.' retaliated Chayne promptly to a chorus of gnashing teeth.`Unlike some, we've been working outin that heat since six this morning.What time did you finally consent to leave your bed, honey?'Briefly, she faltered, a selfconscious warmth flooding her cheeks, then she made a determined recovery.Having succeeded in turning the tables on him she wasn't going to squander the advantage.`Oh, only about half an hour ago,' she handled the truth lightly, airily, before sending him a highlytaunting glance.`Without your scintillating company to entertain me, there just wasn't a reason to get upany earlier.'She was already into the hall when the pungent comeback, 'Ho! That's easily fixed in future.' reachedfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20a.%20pitereeka%20TXT/REUNION%20AT%20PITEREEKA.txt (78 of 100)05/05/2010 14:39:23 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1980%20%20reunion%20at%20pitereeka%20TXT/REUNION%20AT%20PITEREEKA.txther ears, but from that distance she couldn't quite decipher which one of them had said it.Some suspicions did enter her mind during lunch, however, when Randall suddenly caught her eye andrecommended banteringly, `If it's entertainment you want, why don't you hitch a ride with Chayne whenwe go back out this afternoon? His bike's got a double seat.'He made it sound like a dare, and in the mood she was in Rebel was all too willing to accept it.`Allright, I will,' she stated brashly.`No, you won't,' Chayne vetoed with a lazy shake of his head.`Why not?' Her gaze turned disappointed.`Oh, because you wouldn't like it, dear,' put in Doris.from the end of the table.`You'd find it mostunpleasant with the heat, and the dust, and all that bouncing around.''Besides which, some sections are just too rough and dangerous to be taking you over them,' C.K.addedhis own reservations.`And if that wasn't enough, there's sunburn, windburn, and an unavoidable assortment of grazes andscratches to be contended with as well.With your fair skin, honey.uh-uh !' Chayne disallowed wryly.Rebel tried for one last chance.`I did keep your secret for you,' she reminded him with sly emphasis.He just threw back, his head and laughed, but before he could answer help began to appear from otherquarters.`Oh, go on, let her come,' urged Scott with a grin.`A long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and boots, are all theclothes she needs for protection.'`And a crash hat with a visor will stop the sunburn and windburn,' Randall supplemented.`While boiling her head inside it on a day like today!'`But Randall wears one in the helicopter,' Rebel joined in.`Not with a visor attached, he doesn't.'`Oh, please, I don't mind, really,' she resorted to entreating, her eyes holding his valiantly.`I would solike to see something of the area while I'm here, and if I don't, see it this week, I never will!'The men appeared to grow strangely quiet, and it was left to Doris to unwittingly demur, `Of courseyou'll be able to see it another time, dear.Although I'd be more inclined to choose a time during winter,if I were you.'Rebel nodded and smiled weakly.There was nothing to be gained from correcting Doris'smisapprehension.She would find out soon enough anyway after next weekend.`Okay, you can come,' Chayne unexpectedly relented, running a hand around the back of his neck andsighing.She chewed at her lip doubtfully.`You're sure?' Not even Scott and Randall seemed particularlyenthusiastic now.He smiled lazily, his eyes crinkling at the corners.`I'm sure.''Th.thank you,' she acknowledged shakily, throatily, and dropped her gaze to her plate in self-preservation.When he looked at her in just that fashion all her defences annoyingly faded away and lefther feeling far too vulnerable for comfort.As Rebel hadn't brought either boots or a long-sleeved shirt with her, they borrowed these articles ofclothing from Wendy who, fortunately, was of an approximate size.The crash hat Scott dug out for herwas a bright orange and settled snugly over her head, although she noticed as they headed through thegarden that both Chayne and Scott retained the shading bush hats they had worn before lunch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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