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.`I still don't see what any of this has to do with me leaving work,' sheclaimed moodily.`Because there's no necessity for you to continue any more, of course,' was the faintly impatient return.`It's about time you reverted to your proper name, anyway, isn't it?'`I don't see the connection,' she looked up with a frown.`The connection is, my love, that like it or not, you are my wife, and while you're carrying my child andliving in my home.'`No!' she interrupted with a vehement protest, shaking her head wildly.`I may be expecting your child,Lane, but there's no way I'll ever live with you again!' It was too soul-destroying to contemplate beingaccepted only because of the baby they had inadvertently conceived.If she did not love him, maybe shecould have resigned herself to it, but as it was even the idea was intolerable! `We're separated, and we'regoing to remain that way! Besides, I-I've already made my plans.'`Such as?' His voice hardened markedly.`I'm going back to live with Mum and Dad,' she strove to impress him with her conviction.His thickly lashed eyes narrowed watchfully.`I didn't think they were in a position to support anothertwo.''No-well-once the baby's born I-I'll get another position,' she advanced anxiously.`Mum will lookafter.'`The hell she will!' His unconditional veto sliced through her theory ruthlessly.`As good a job as I'msure your mother would do with the child, there's no way this child is going to be reared by anyone butits rightful parents and in its rightful home! And that means you and I together, my pet, in our home! Orwere you just hoping to delegate your responsibilities in that area yet again?' he jeered contemptuously.`No! And-and you have no right to-to imply anything so hateful,' she choked as she bit at her lip to stopits hurt quivering.She released a shuddering breath.`In any case, it's your home, not ours!'`It will be when you're living there too!'Under sufferance? She moved her head dismally.`It wouldn't work, Lane, it just wouldn't work! We'donly fight all the time again, and that's no atmosphere for a child to live in.'`Then we'll just have to make an effort to ensure the atmosphere improves, won't we?' There was no signof any relenting in his voice.`And you must have known this would be the outcome when you tried toconvince me of my part in the matter earlier.'Actually, she had not been thinking that far ahead at the time.`No, since you'd realised I was pregnant Ijust thought it wasn't fair to the baby not to be acknowledged by its true father, or for Kent to be accusedof something he didn't do,' she disclosed in a murmur.Lane's head inclined speculatively.`Not to keep the record straight regarding you as well?'Jenna partly turned away.As far as the hands still capturing her shoulders would allow.`That too, Iguess,' she admitted with an offhandedness she hoped would hide just how much it had really meant toher.`You should have known better.'Her eyes closed anguishedly.Meaning, he already thought the worst of her, anyway, she supposed.Withan effort she made herself face him again.`You don't think that's sufficient reason for us to remain separated?' she half laughed with shaky irony.His brows pulled together sharply.`You're not making sense!'file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20legally%20bound%20TXT/legally%20bound.txt (67 of 80)05/05/2010 14:45:11 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20legally%20bound%20TXT/legally%20bound.txt'I think I am.'`Hmm.' One side of his mouth suddenly swept upwards.`And somehow I get the feeling you've beenjumping to conclusions again.' Removing a hand from her shoulder he spanned her jaw and tilted herhead up to his.`So what bee have you got in your bonnet this time, eh?'`Don't make fun of me, Lane!' she flared and slapped his hand away.`I know the way you think!''Then as I said, you really should have known better ,than to think that under the circumstances Iwouldn't insist on you returning to live in my home, shouldn't you?' he mocked.`Oh!' Jenna flushed self-consciously as her spirits abruptly lifted.Was that what he'd meant? Not that ithad her changing her mind, though [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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