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.He wasworth something after all; Tra Yarta got what he wanted, yes, but he lost farmore than he gained.I hope, I hope, she told herself, she held up both handswith all her fingers crossed, a little trick she hadn t practiced for a while.An omen, she thought, this is going to come out right.She laughed again andlet her hands fall.What do I need? Paper and pen, I can t do this in my head and I can t trustthe computers here.She rubbed at her temples.It s been what, ah.thirtyyears since studied sociometrics, I need references.Out of the question.Have to depend on my memory and my smarts, built up from the bases I mfamiliar with.Rule of thumb.I hope my thumb s not broke.I always thought Iwas cleverer than most, have to prove it now.Parnalee said he d wring theneck of any-one who messed up his chances.His chances! She thought about whatGerilli Presij had told her.That was the end of her escape plans, she wasn tgetting aboard any ship liable to be vaporized the moment it got beyond theatmosphere.Over the hill and off, she thought, Parnalee or not, soon as I canmanage it.Hmm.One of the cities of the Littoral.I need to go there next.Ayla gul Inci.Why not? I can make a good case for it; that s the city wherethe Surge began.Must be some old memories there.Hmm.Maybe I can find acrack to crawl through.Yes.All right.From now on I m working for me.13Cinnal Samineh flattened her hand on the desalinizer. We bought this aboutten years ago.It gives us all the fresh water we need. She slanted a slyglance at Asian. A tech slave the Imperator brought in built them for him.One of the few good things that came with the slaves. What did you do before then? Let me show you.It s just next door.It was a long narrow barge with slat blinds over lots of glass.Cinnal SaminehPage 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcleared one section so they could look inside.Water was being pumped alongdeep, glass-lined channels, around and past thick stands of remarkably ugly,twisted plants; the stems were broad and pulpy, the leaves were stiff, dottedwith thorns, succulent, coated with a thick waxy substance.They werebrilliantly colored, red and purple, orange, gold and blue-green, poisoncolors.Aslan inspected them and decided she wouldn t go in that place for aticket home; she wasn t about to suck in any air they polluted with theirexudates and exhalations. Saltplants, Cinnal Samineh said. They extract minerals and salts fromseawater.It s slow but sure; by the time they re finished with it and we passit through a bit more filtration, it s almost pure enough to drink.We used itfor washing and that kind of thing, what we needed for drinking water wepassed through a still.Even now, on Holy Days and Jubilations we drink waterfrom here, not from the machine.Sort of cele-brating the past and linkingwith the future.You see, don t you? I see.Cinnal grinned. We have other reasons for keeping this going.Those leavesgive us some of our best dyes.Poisonous, sheeh! you have to be very carefulhan-dling them, but the results are worth it.And the roots, you can t seethem, but they are very, very important.Our best filters are made from thepulp and mem-branes in those roots.Matter of fact, the Zerzevah Farm, it sout around the bulge south of here, that s their main source of income, theirmerm bed was wiped out a couple storms ago and the new bed won t be producingfor a decade or more. Merm bed?Cinnal Samineh wrinkled her nose. I can t talk about that. Can anyone? Geri, maybe; I ll ask her. Thanks.How much water could this.um.plant produce in a day? Enough for all of us.We had to be careful of course, and we used seawaterfor things we use fresh-water for these days. Interesting.You said I might be able to visit a school? I talked to my family s Ommar, she said fine.Schooling is family business,nothing to do with the Council.It s quite a walk from here.We could take iteasy, or maybe I could whistle up a shell. Why not? It s a lovely day for a boat ride.14That night Aslan worked until long after midnight, sketching out thedistortions and outright falsities she wanted to incorporate indetectably intoher data files; when she was too tired to make sense of the numbers andsymbols, she tore the pages into small bits and burned them.When she finallyslept, she slipped in and out of nightmare, dreams where she was endlesslyrunning, unable to reach a shapeless goal that seemed to represent safety; ithovered continually just in front of her, kept vanishing on her andreappearing a little farther on.Other times she was under something dark andheavy that came rushing down at her.That was a fast dream.It recurredseveral times and each time she managed to wake up just before the thingcrushed her; she lay bathed in sweat, her heart pounding, her head throbbing,the half-healed bruises and cuts adding their own dull misery to a night thatwas beginning to seem endless.15 Rosepearls. Gerilli Persij dipped her hand into a soft pouch and pulled outhalf a dozen rounds.She tilted her palm and let them trickle onto the squareof black suede.The smallest was about the size of a small pea; it was a palepinkish cream.The others went from cream to deep rose, from cherrypit toplum-sized.They shared a fine luster with a glow that seemed to reach downand down, drawing the eye after it.Gerilli Persij took a mid-sized pearlbetween thumb and forefinger, held it out to Aslan. Close your hand around itfor a moment, then smell your skin.The pearl warmed quickly.Aslan opened her hand, sniffed at her palm.TherePage 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwas a delicate floral fra-grance, very pleasant though nothing startling.An-other moment, though, and she noticed something odd happening to her.Shefelt tension dropping from her, her body was vibrating with fine-tuned energy,yet she felt no need to move or speak.That rang an alarm in her mind, adistant flutter that immediately started fading, but not quite fast enough [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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