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. That would put Wayne into genuine danger. Once we get the stampede started, we ll ride out ahead of it, yelling forhelp, said Steve. You ll be running with us.If the First Law forces you tointervene, you ll be right there on hand. Wait a minute, said Chad. How can we start a stampede from behind and thenride in front of it? A stampede starts slowly, said Steve. Even a predator can be startled andmade to run for safety.or at least, in our time they can. Well.I don t know.I suppose they would react the same way they do inresponse to a forest fire.Their survival instinct would be triggered byseeing all the animals fleeing in the same direction. I m sure MC 1 would interpret a dinosaur stampede as a First Law problem,said Jane, holding back laughter. I really don t imagine any robot would havea problem making that particular judgment. Good, said Steve. We ll ride along the stream, where a certain number ofdinosaurs are likely to be.We ll ride fast and yell a lot and get some ofthem running toward MC 1 and Wayne.Since we know where we re going, we canride alongside the rush and get out ahead of them.A forest stampede doesn treally move at a dead run.It faces too many natural obstacles and too muchconfusion. I might be able to go along with this, said Hunter. Chad, what does ourresident paleontologist think? It might be a big mistake. In what way? I barely have control of this struthiomimus as it is.Setting a bunch ofdinosaurs in motion, out of control, is just asking for trouble. I understand that this plan has a significant unpredictability, said Hunter. So far, I interpret the degree of unpredictability to be acceptable.Do youhave other objections? Yeah.We have no idea what species we ll be dealing with.It s not just thepredators, large and small.Many of the herbivores are gigantic, too, youknow.They won t be fast, relatively speaking, but once they re on the move, astampede of elephants will seem downright manageable by comparison.Steve laughed. You still have no sense of adventure.You re just toosheltered, timid, and intellectual to take action in the real world.In the front saddle, Chad turned angrily to look over his shoulder, but Hunterspoke first. We will try this plan, said Hunter. Since you are all on one mount, I canrun beside you and perform my First Law duties if any arise.Steve could see Chad shake his head in silence. Steve, putting this plan into action strikes me as your area, said Hunter. On this project I ask you to give the instructions.What should we do? Make your best guess about the position of MC 1 and Wayne.Then calculatePage 77 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwhere they may be, roughly, during the next half hour. Then what do we do? Take us back to the stream.Hunter nodded.He was unusually quiet, but he changed the direction of theirjourney through the forest.None of them spoke.When they reached the stream, Hunter began wading up the middle of thecurrent.It was no more than waist-deep to him at the deepest, and usuallymore shallow than that.Chad guided the struthiomimus after him. This is a good spot, Chad said quietly.Hunter stopped and waited for them to ride up next to him. What do you mean?Chad pointed. We have a lot of herbivores visible here if you look carefully.There s an anodontosaurus feeding on the left, up ahead.A stegoceras maybeeven the same one we captured is drinking a little past it.I can see theheads of some hadrosaurs the duckbill guys in the distance. Is this a good place to begin the stampede? Hunter asked. I would say so.In a forest this dense, the wildlife we can see at anyonetime is only a small fraction of what s actually present. So if we can see this many, we have a good start, said Jane. Okay, now whatdo we do? Steve, what is your opinion? Hunter asked. I think Chad s right, said Steve. But which way do we chase them? Where isMC 1? That way. Hunter pointed ahead at an angle to the right of the stream. All right, said Steve. We ll start slow and see how they react.Chad, moveup slowly.We ll all start yelling and waving our arms and try to get themmoving. All right. Now that Chad had accepted the proposed action, he was giving itall his attention. Now!The struthiomimus leaped forward and began splashing upstream.Steve yelledand whooped, and Chad and Jane did the same.Hunter tried a variety of noisesand finally settled on a rumbling, leonine roar from his versatile larynx.Small animals in the tree branches responded first, jumping away or flutteringinto the air.Steve saw the family of duckbill dinosaurs glance quickly atthem and then slip away into the dense forest.The swishing of branches andshaking of large bushes were the only signs that many other animals werestarting to move. Hyah! Steve shouted, waving one arm and holding on to his saddle with theother. Chad, chase em! Into the woods!Chad reined to the right, and the struthiomimus sprang up the bank,threatening to throw its three riders for a moment.Then they were up into theforest, still yelling and chasing the dinosaurs.Hunter jogged nearby, stayingclose.Steve laughed as he shouted, easily the most boisterous of the group.This wasthe kind of adventure he relished, though certainly even he had neverstampeded dinosaurs before.Chad and Jane were clearly enjoying themselves aswell.Ahead of them, more and more dinosaurs were becoming visible as they werestartled from their feeding, hunting, or sleeping.The riders followed in acrooked, haphazard path around the trees and bigger bushes.As the momentum ofthe chase increased, the stampede grew, the animals always running in roughlythe same direction.Soon the forest was filled with the sound of thunderingfeet and breaking branches. That should be plenty, Steve called. Definitely, Jane shouted over her shoulder. This will scare the lubricantout of MC 1. Around to the left! Steve yelled at Chad.Chad drew on the reins and the struthiomimus responded.They angled left andsoon had worked their way over to the left rear of the stampeding dinosaurs.Page 78 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHunter, of course, kept his pace and position with no trouble. Still the right direction? Steve shouted to Hunter. Yes, he called back.Now that they were riding off to one side of the stampede, the struthiomimuslost some of its hesitancy and ran even faster on its two long legs.Theybegan moving up on the host of dinosaurs.Steve could see Chad rising half outof the front saddle on his stirrups, gleefully yelling and waving one hand.Jane, too, looked at Chad and laughed.She even glanced over her shoulder andwinked at Steve.Chad had loosened up a lot on this ride. Hunter! Do you know where they are? Steve shouted, as the struthiomimuspranced out to the fore of the stampede, still safely to the left [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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