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.She laughed when he twirled her into a line of women, joining the men who faced theirpartners.She clapped her hands.How she loved dancing a reel.The dancers stepped forward and bowed to one another, returned to their places and metin the center again, hooking elbows together for a right turn, then a left turn, and back to theirplaces before joining hands to spin clockwise.Arms folded over their chests they came forwardagain, circling one another, and then the fun began.The couple at the head of the line joinedhands, skipped to the end of the line and back, before joining elbows for another spin, coming toa stop in front of the next person in line.Anari was spun by each man in line before returning to Gidrun.The lead couple peeled off to the right and skipped to the end of the line, forming an arch with their joined hands for theother dancers to skip through.Once everyone had danced through the arch, the whole processbegan again, until all twenty or so couples had the opportunity to lead the dance.Breathless and laughing, Gidrun returned Anari to her seat at the table and fetched her acup of ale. A drink to quench your thirst, Mistress Fury, he said, smiling, then offered his arm. Will you walk with me? I would speak with you.Anari glanced in Duncan s direction but he was deep in conversation with her father.Shesmiled and took Gidrun s arm. A walk would be lovely.Darkness had fallen and the moon was on the rise, lighting the way with an ethereal glow.It felt strange, almost mundane, strolling down the quiet path.She d done this very same thingwith Keltar dozens of times over the years. What will you do, Anari, now that you are safe once more?Anari shrugged. My safety, and that of my family, is hardly a foregone conclusion,unless Ulric Vonner has the power to convince the Amalgamation otherwise.My father hassomething they want and I ve become a personal enemy to a very nasty pirate. They slowedtheir steps and Gidrun guided her to a bench. I believe my best option is to settle Destyn withany who choose to colonize the planet. She paused, considering the enormity of her decision,then nodded. There s nothing left for me on Sa-Ro Five.Keltar is dead and my father willcontinue his work in the Senate.I can t bring myself to trust that we ll be safe there with Fathergone, and people will& judge me for what I ve done.Gidrun took her hand, squeezing gently. You cannot be blamed for the deeds of others.Anari shook her head and laughed bitterly. And yet when they look at me, they won tsee the girl who grew up with them.They ll see the woman on the auction block, humiliated bybrutal men, sold as a sex slave.They ll wonder what was done to me and if I enjoyed thosethings.The men will& make assumptions. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to rid herself ofthe images that filled her head. No, I can t stay there.I must make a new life on Destyn. Will you allow me to help you?Anari sighed.Gidrun Balkhimar was a good man, a handsome man.He would love her.Protect her.Give her the family she longed for.How she wished she could love him. I don t want to give you hope where there is none. He s going to leave you.You know that. Yes. Gods balls, how she hated the quaver in her voice.Gidrun rose and helped Anari to her feet, guiding her on to the path. I am a patient man.One day, the pain will lessen and you will be ready to love again. Oh, how I wish that were true, she said fervently. It is true, Anari, and when that day comes, I will make you mine with his blessing, andthat of your father.Her head filled with a roaring white noise.They d been discussing her future?  I what?With his blessing and my father s? Do not be upset Anari gaped at him, fists clenched. Don t be  She spun away from him, hurryingdown the path.An unrelenting anger burned deep in her belly and she doubted her ability tocontrol the venom threatening to spill from her lips.Lifting her skirts, she ran from the garden,tears of anger coursing down her cheeks.That they could do such a thing.She wasn t payingattention when she plunged into the crowd circulating in the inner bailey, and ran straight intothe object of her anger.  Anari, what s happened? Duncan asked, cupping her shoulders in her hands. You, she hissed, swiping the tears from her cheeks.She gave him a hard shove and helet her go [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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