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. She aimed a finger at his chest and advanced a step toward him, forgetting herhesitation to be close to him. I m not like the other therapists.I m here now.Just let me do this my way. I was just going to say&  he cocked one eyebrow as he looked down at the accusatory fingertip,then back up,  & that the other therapists already tried force, making deals and coddling. He caught herhand and tugged gently, bringing her forward. I was not impressed with their results.I m looking forwardto yours. He stroked his thumb across the back of her hand.Jaden swallowed hard and felt her fingers tighten around his, with no conscious command from her,for an instant before she pulled her hand back. Just for the record, I do care, Adam.I care a lot about whathappens.He leaned closer and she was acutely aware of his lips and the hunger in his eyes.Her instincts kickedin far ahead of any rational thought and she jerked back, ducking slightly and twisting away.Having hiswww.samhainpublishing.com 29 Erin Nicholastarget move so abruptly threw his balance off and Adam pitched forward.He grabbed for the nearestthing& her arm.Together they fell into the pool with a large splash.They came up spluttering a moment later. I can t believe you threw me in!Adam started laughing in spite of his soaking wet clothes.She glared at him. What? I did not throw you in. He wiped his hair back from his forehead. Well, you pushed me but&  If I intended to push you or throw you in, why am I soaking wet? I liked this suit.He was grinning as he spoke and that infuriated her.The first time she had heard him laugh and seenhim actually grin, and it was at her expense. Then what was that all about? I disagree with you, do something a little deviant by coming to thepool instead of insisting Emily do a bunch of things she doesn t believe in yet and you jump in, pulling mewith you? That s not what happened and you know it. He swam to where she was grasping the side. Oh? Then what happened? I scared you. He said it matter-of-factly. Scared me? What are you talking about? I almost kissed you, you panicked and ducked, I lost my balance and we fell in.She opened her mouth to reply, then quickly snapped it shut again.Was she more shocked that hethought he made her nervous& or that he was right? She began shaking her head.He nodded his head in response. Yes.You panicked when you realized I was going to kiss you.You re scared of me. I knew that you were pretty full of yourself the first time we met, but this is way over the top, shedeclared, but her voice lacked conviction.She moved to pull herself out of the water and he quickly grasped her upper arm. I don t think so.She sucked in a quick breath, but she held still, even as she realized that was probably a bad idea. Look me in the eye and tell me that you didn t know I was going to kiss you.She struggled to swallow as she looked into his eyes.But no words came out.Her gaze dropped to hiscollarbone and she said,  I don t know what you re talking about.He smiled and moved an inch closer.She stiffened but didn t move away. Jaden, just so you know, Ihad every intention of kissing you a few minutes ago.I don t want there to be any confusion about that.30 www.samhainpublishing.com No Matter WhatHot and cold, numb and tingling all at once.She was amazed what a few simple words could do.Though she also realized that it was the tone of voice, not the actual words, that affected her so profoundly.Several seconds passed before she found her voice and said quietly,  I m not scared of you.One corner of his mouth tipped up. No?She shook her head and pressed her lips firmly together, telling herself she did not want to know whatkissing him would be like. You re not nervous at all about my attraction to you and your equal attraction to me? You re noteven a little anxious about me kissing you and where that might lead?She shook her head again and managed to pry her lips apart. Even if you did kiss me and I m notsaying that I think that s a good idea it wouldn t lead anywhere.I think you should know that up front. You re certainly entitled to your opinion, Jaden, he said soothingly, rubbing his palm up and downher arm where he still held her. But I think that you should know up front that I m very certain, eventually,I will kiss you and it will lead to something [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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