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.Caitlin heard a knock, looked through the peephole, and opened the door to their visitors.“Hello, Chris and Pam.Do come in, we’re just about ready to go.”“So you know?” Chris asked with a mask of nonchalance on his face.“Yes, Chris, Scott told me this morning.Don’t worry.I’m not my usual hell bent self, ready to rip my father’s head off or Barry’s for not keeping me in the loop.It’s probably best for all of our safety that you’re here now.”Chris took her elbow and led her onto the balcony.Once they were alone and had privacy, he said, “Caitlin, I apologize for putting on that facade last night.I suspected from the beginning Scott would know who I was right off the bat.I don’t know how Scott made it through last night without giving any indication he knew who I really am and continued to play the charade.”“Isn’t this nice and consoling? On top of everything else that’s happened to me this week, I have a husband who should be nominated for the best actor award this year.”“Caitlin.” Chris touched her arm in a non-intimate but comforting manner.“It’s not like that at all.Scott didn’t know I’d be headed down here.He’s an excellent agent, knows how to ingratiate himself into any situation, and gather all the information he needs before taking action.”“I know that, Chris, but I have no control over anything.You and Pam show up to further emphasize my helplessness and lied in the process.”“Barry told me your father ordered him to send down a superior agent to discreetly safeguard you.They didn’t want you to know about it.It didn’t make sense to me but I followed my orders and kept quiet.Neither one of them knew I interviewed with the FBI.Since I hadn’t met Scott personally, I thought the ruse might work.Barry’s your godfather and thinks of you as his own daughter, so he jumped into action to send me here.Are you okay now?” Chris asked.“I’ll get over the deception and move on.” Satisfied with the last zinger of a remark, Caitlin turned to go inside.* * * *Tomas stood back, watching the two on the balcony, hoping Caitlin wouldn’t explode on Chris.The conversation concluded and they walked back into the living room.From their expressions, everything seemed fine.Scott stepped toward Caitlin taking hold of her elbow.“All straightened out?”“Yes,” Caitlin answered.“Just promise me you won’t keep anything from me again.”Scott nodded in agreement.Tomas gritted his teeth and walked over to Chris, prepared to get over his prejudices in this case.PIs were a pain in the ass to local and federal law enforcement agencies.Begrudgingly, Tomas admitted that Barry Solerno wasn’t one of the typical glory and fame hunters, or a media whore.Solerno and his staff were team players and did work well with the FBI when their cases overlapped.They strove to solve the case, regardless of who received credit.Now that Chris’s true identity had been exposed, Tomas introduced himself to Chris.“Glad to finally meet you.I’m sure you’re up to date on the case and most likely ahead of us once again, right, Chris?”Chris ignored the jab and snide remark.“Not a solid lead has turned up so I wouldn’t say we’re ahead of the FBI.To answer your question, yes I’m aware of what’s been happening to Caitlin.”Tomas, as lead investigator needed help and more resources, so he couldn’t afford to tick off Chris.He did the right thing and shared all of the information he had.“I received a phone call this morning that might be a significant break in the case.Lukas Bucklin’s jet is scheduled to arrive at JFK tonight and return tomorrow morning to Barbados.”With that comment, Tomas expected to receive a shocked look from Chris.Some type of reaction other than a stoic stance.Not one muscle in Chris’s face tensed.Ah, finally something!Chris gulped then spoke, “Don’t waste your time going down that road.It’s Barry that Lukas is flying to Barbados tomorrow.”After everyone started speaking and yelling at once, Chris raised his voice to quiet the room before they got even more riled up.” Don’t jump to conclusions.Bucklin is one of our biggest accounts and Lukas and Barry have some business to discuss.Lukas has wined and dined Barry before, so this is nothing out of the ordinary.I called the boss early this morning to tell him that the jig was up and Scott recognized Pam and me.It was then that he told me he’d be close by if needed since Lukas had extended an invitation to discuss business and play some golf.”Scott interjected.“What kind of business?”“I don’t have a clue and you know better than to ask me to break client confidentiality.All I know is Barry was pretty pissed a few days ago about an employee background check.”Scott shot Tomas a startled look.Scott raised the question first.“This wouldn’t be that new Ph.D.research scientist would it, Gerard Hellerman?”Chris slipped up before but stood his ground.“I don’t know and even if I did I couldn’t tell you, you both know that.I’ve shared too much knowledge as it is.So are we boating or not? Pam and I are your companions whether you like it or not.We might as well make the best of it.”Chapter TwentyCarol nibbled on a light breakfast of half a grapefruit and dry piece of toast.The night before she splurged on comfort food, a greasy cheese steak sandwich, and now attempted to start the day with a reduction of calories.Dark circles shadowed under her eyes from the restless night of sleep tossing and turning, worrying about her failing marriage, and her niece.She’d spoken to Jack for a short time last night.What he said inspired a suspicion that her twin siblings could be behind what happened.Gary and Ginny had always been jealous and vindictive of their older brother.Some of the mean spirited and downright hostile comments they made about Jack caused Carol to shiver.She could never bring herself to repeat such ugliness.At the shrilling of the phone, she put down her toast and crossed the room, wondering who would call so early.“Hello?” Carol said.“Hi, Mom, it’s me, Lindsey.”“Hi, honey, I’m glad to hear your voice.I was planning to call you later this morning.”“Are you okay? You sound like something’s wrong.” The concern in Lindsey’s voice was evident.“I didn’t sleep very well last night and I need to talk to you about something bad that’s happening to Caitlin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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