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.Methodically,Jett fought never letting Airyon far from her sight, never losing track of Thad's condition in the battle.If necessary, she'd find a way to transport him from here.Somehow.Her muscles burned for exertion, but she couldn't stop.Any hesitation and they'd beoverpowered.Airyon would be on them and Thad would be dead.Her fate would be another sort ofdeath when she lost her love.She would not.A smite tore through two men while another threw a woman into the templewall.She crumpled to the floor.Jett lost sight of her when another wave surged toward her.Herhands burned, her fingers aching from the continuous surges streaking from them.Beside her, Thad's heavy breathing signalled his weariness.Neither could take much more.Then suddenly, finally, they were alone with Airyon.Most of his people had fled and the foolhardywho'd remained were dead.He glanced around, a king surveying his kingdom.Still he appearedunconcerned.He even smiled when he again turned his gaze on her.She panted, calculating his first move.It terrified her that his first move would probably be toeliminate Thad."Wrath is mine, Thad growled when she attempted to step in front of him.He held her aside,refusing protection. I'm taking him out.No one touches my goddess.""Wrath is not yours, she argued.Airyon leered at her, his black-brown eyes blazing pools ofavarice.He still thought he could win.Even after every loss he'd endured.He stood alone.His lips twisted into a smug grin. If he wants me, I'd be happy to let him try.I'll enjoy killingyour lover.""You would have to kill me first." "Now, that love, will never happen.I intend to kill him and defeat you here, then I will takeyou to my palace where I'll chain you to my bed and defeat all your other defences.You will betotally mine.Your body.Your power.Your soul.""Never."Beside her, Thad growled taking a step forward.Airyon held out his hands, the power fuelled by his province flowing into him in pulsing blackribbons.Slowly, he moved them in front of him. Enough of this.Come to me Jett.It is destined thatwe be together.You are mine."The black bands zapped forward and unexplainable terror pierced though her, emptying hersoul.Desolation echoed within her as Airyon's power wrapped around her in murky streams thatspiralled up her body.She couldn't break them and Gods! whatever he'd done to her, she couldn'tsummon the strength to try very hard."No! Thad bellowed.He jumped before her, breaking Airyon's grasp on Jett. You cannottake her!"Jett fell to her knees.Airyon's negative energy had sapped her own energy from her body.Herlimbs were leaden as she tried to raise her head."Thad.No, she whispered, barely able to speak.Airyon laughed. I had hoped you'd be noble, Warlock."Instantly, the bands he'd wrapped around Jett, the bands that Thad had now intercepted,turned electric.White-hot lightning shot through Thad.His body bowed with the power.He thrashed, struggling against it even as Jett tried to gather her weakened power.A fire ballfrom Airyon sizzled up his arms, charring skin which instantly healed."No! Jett screamed, managing to raise her hands.Thad's arms raised as well.To ward offanother attack? To fight? She didn't know.Her hands glowed with the scorching fire of her unleashed rage.Airyon would not destroy herfuture.Airyon would not possess her.He would not hurt Thad.He would not live.Twin bolts of blinding blue surged from her palms looping around those spiking from Thad'soutstretched hands.They tore through Airyon's body.A stunned look crossed his face as hecrumpled to his knees and then to the floor.His lips parted.No sound escaped as his head lolled.Hehit the marble floor with a hallow thud.Jett struggled to her feet as a fine mist rose from his body."Stop him! she lurched after Airyon's spirit as it was drawn toward Torment.Hastily shethrew an energy sphere toward Wrath's essence before it was too late and he was within Hades grasp.If Hades caught Airyon, she'd never repay her debt to Nara.And she'd never get away withremoving another soul from beyond the veil again.The orb engulfed the mist, trapping Airyon within.With a twist of her fingers the ballreturned to her outstretched palm.Angrily, she turned."For the gods sakes, Thad! Jett swore. Jumping in front of me like that.He could havekilled you!""He didn't.""You fought well, she admitted.She heaved a disgusted sigh.He was right but it didn'tdiffuse her anger.They'd deal with this later.Later.They had a  later'.Something told her Thadwould be unmanageable as soon as she revealed his status as a god.Somehow, it didn't bother hermuch.He was here.And immortal."It's about time you noticed.Why the hell do you think you have to keep protecting me?""You nearly died the last time you fought him.You did die [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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