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.Se2/0 PPP: O pkt type 0x0207, datagramsize 309Se2/0 PPP: I pkt type 0x0207, datagramsize 320The messages above are caused by Cisco s proprietary CDP (Cisco DiscoveryProtocol).They are generally seen only on links to other Cisco routers.XyplexXyplex servers log PPP state transitions in syslog:IPCP Event: DOWN State: OPEN => STARTINGIPXCP Event: DOWN State: INITIAL => INITIALLCP Event: DOWN State: OPEN => STARTINGIPCP Event: DOWN State: STARTING => STARTINGIPXCP Event: DOWN State: INITIAL => INITIALNortel AnnexAnnex terminal and communications servers were originally designed by EncoreComputer, then sold to Xylogics, which was bought by Bay Networks, which inturn was bought by Nortel Networks.Annex servers log state transitions, significant events, and a summary of thestate in case of failure to syslog.The event logs look like this:May 8 17:42:48 guenevere ppp[2559]: Port-Begin:asy42:PPP:::[local]May 8 17:42:48 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:ADM Start LCPMay 8 17:42:48 guenevere line_adm[1298]: started mp on mp126 asPID 2573May 8 17:42:48 guenevere system[0]: ppp:asy42:detach link frombundle mp126May 8 17:42:48 guenevere mp[2573]: ppp:mp126:terminating:errno: SuccessMay 8 17:42:51 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:LCP Started LCP 306 DEBUGGING LINKSMay 8 17:42:52 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:Security StartedPAPMay 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:ipxcp startedMay 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:rejecting unknownprotocol 803FMay 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:send protocolreject for 803FMay 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:LCP:receivedprotocol reject for 8029 (ATCP)May 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:NCP Closed ATCPMay 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ppp:asy42:NCP Started IPCPMay 8 17:42:55 guenevere ppp[2559]: ifconfig asy42 local132.245.11.10 remote mask 1The summary is printed if no NCPs go to Opened state.It appears like this:Apr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2: *** LCP SYSLOGHISTORY ***Apr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2:Rcv cfg req: Send cfgreq with MRU: 1500Apr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2:Rcv cfg req: SendingACCM of: a0000Apr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2:Rcv cfg req:Requesting CHAP securityApr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2:Rcv cfg req: Requestfor ACFCApr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2:Rcv cfg req: Sendingrandom magic numberApr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2:Rcv cfg req: RequestPFCApr 18 08:09:55 annex ppp[20817]: ppp:asy2: *** END LCP HISTORY***Lucent PortMasterThe PortMaster was originally designed by Livingston, which has been boughtby Lucent. COMMUNICATIONS SERVERS AND ROUTERS 307From a command prompt, the administrator can enable debug mode 0x51,which displays the raw PPP data (minus the AHDLC Address and Control fields,and the PPP Protocol field) as well as notes on the state transitions (such as the LCP Open message below).> set console> set debug 0x51Setting debug value to 0x51Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S2 of 24 bytes containing:01 02 00 18 01 04 03 ee 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 0683 59 4b 5e 07 02 08 02Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S2 of 20 bytescontaining:02 02 00 18 01 04 03 ee 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 0683 59 4b 5e 07 02 08 02S2: LCP OpenThese logs can be decoded into more readable text by copying them into a decoder ring Web page set up by Livingston technical support athttp://www.livingston.com/Tech/Support/dring.shtmlThis Perl script will decode each option as a separate line of text with a verboseexpansion of the option values.The PortMaster also logs PPP conditions to any syslog host.Mar 1 18:01:23 pma dialnet: port S2 ppp_sync failed dest1.2.3.4Lucent MAXThe MAX communications server was originally designed by Ascend, which hasbeen bought by Lucent.From a terminal-mode command line, the Ascend devices allow the adminis-trator to enable various levels of PPP debug messages.Shown below are the pppfsm (finite state machine) and  pppif (interface) levels of debug.Notethat the actual data are not shown and that the messages include internal soft-ware implementation notes. 308 DEBUGGING LINKS> pppfsmPPPFSM state display is ON> pppifPPPIF debug is ON> PPPIF: open: routeid 372, incoming YESPPPIF-105: vj comp onPPPIF-105: _initAuthentication, mpID=0PPPIF-105: auth mode 3PPPIF-105: PAP/CHAP/MS-CHAP auth, incomingPPPFSM-105: Layer 0 State INITIAL Event OPEN.PPPFSM-105:.New State STARTINGPPPFSM-105: Layer 0 State STARTING Event UP.PPPFSM-105:.New State REQSENTPPPIF-105: Link Is up.PPPFSM-105: Layer 1 State INITIAL Event UP.PPPFSM-105:.New State CLOSEDPPPFSM-105: Layer 2 State INITIAL Event UP.PPPFSM-105:.New State CLOSED3COM Netserver PlusThe syslog messages produced by the Netserver/HiperArc are not as friendly asthose sent from some of the other servers cited above [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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