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."I will speak to Highpriest Xentos, and learn more about the duties of thepriests of Dralm.It is my hope that he will permit you to becomeRector of the newUniversity.""If it is proper that I serve Allfather Dralm by serving Your Majesty in this,I shall do it with all my heart."This seemed to call for a toast, so Mytron poured out the last of the mulledwine, and they both drank to the University finding favor in the eyes ofDralm.After Brother Mytron left, Kalvan knocked the heel out of his pipe, re-loadedit with tobacco and used his tinderbox to light it.He sat back and staredinto the dying fire.He could see all sorts of church-and-state complicationsPage 33 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbearing down upon him like a runaway truck on an icy mountain road.They would have been likely enough in the best of worlds; with Xentos theywere certain.In spite of his unworldly air, the highpriest was as tough as aslab of granite and as shrewd a bargainer as an Armenian rug dealer.AnythingKalvan got out of him particularly the permanent reassignment of hisright-hand man (and probably handpicked successor) as Rector of theUniversity was going to cost.But Dralm-damnit, he had to begin somewhere to make sure that he wasn't theonly man in the world who knew half of what would be needed to bring downStyphon's House.Until he'd at least made that start, everything could fallapart if his horse put a foot in a gopher hole! Kalvan thought of KingAlexander III of Scotland, who'd started three centuries of Anglo-Scots warsby riding his horse off a cliff in the dark.Being the Indispensable Man sounded like fun until you were actually handedthe job.Then you realized the best thing to do with it was to get rid of itas fast as humanly possible.IIIThe job of digging Dalla out of the Archives lasted another round of drinks.When they finally reached her, she told them to go on to the ConstellationHouse; she would change at the Archives and meet them there.Constellation House was perched on top of a mountain a good half hour'sair-taxi ride outsideDhergabar City.That gave Verkan plenty of time to bring his old Chief up todate on everything of mutual interest, starting with Kalvan's Time-Line,Styphon's House Subsector, Fourth Level Aryan-Transpacific."Everything was going about as well as anyone could hope until winter came.Kalvan had no more internal enemies, Nostor was a shambles and Sask and Beshtawere beaten into submission.Even theHarphaxi Princes who didn't want to join Hos-Hostigos weren't about to maketrouble.""No," Tortha said."I imagine a lot of them are thinking along the lines of'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,' and anybody who's as heavy-handed acreditor as Styphon's House is bound to have more than its share of enemies.What about the big council Styphon's House was going to hold in Harphax City?"Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"They moved it to Balph.We think it's because of the bad weather; it's beenthe worst winter in living memory, and the roads have been completelyimpassable most of the time.We haven't infiltrated theInner Circle yet, and they're not talking.I suspect Styphon's House may bewaiting to see what happens during the rest of the winter.Not that enoughhasn't happened already, of course."Tortha recognized the signs of coming bad news in Verkan's voice.He wasn'tsurprised, either."I can imagine," he said."My first independent assignmentwas shepherding a party of tourists fleeing from a sacked city to the nearestoperating conveyer-head.It was five days' journey downriver, through countrythat had been fought over two years running.If we hadn't been able to useboats and travel mostly by night I don't think we'd have made it.I stoppedhaving any arguments from the tourists after the first village where we foundhuman bones in the soup pots.""It hasn't been quite that bad in Hos-Hostigos, except in parts of Nostor.TheHostigi are calling it theWinter of the Wolves, though.Between the wolf packs and the snowdrifts,nobody's going anywhere unless they absolutely have to."I haven't been back to Hos-Hostigos myself since I took over as chief.Dallawent once, to Ulthor.They're not as badly off as the Hostigi, since they missed the fighting andPage 34 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlshipped in grain and meat from the Upper Middle Kingdoms before winter.Dallastill tried to ride to Hostigos until she lost two horses and a guard towolves the first day.After that she decided to stick to interviewing refugeesand building our cover."They sat in silence as the air-taxi passed out of the rainstorm and Dhergabartogether [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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