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.I findwe tend to do three sets or groups or reps or whatever youwant to call these medleys.Then, we stop.Funny.No one has ever asked for more.Since the One Lift a Day program first surfaced, I veseen variations with kettlebells, gymnastics, HighlandGames, and even machine training.If you go the machineroute, promise me you won t do leg adductors on one day.Well, let me rephrase that: Don t tell me, please.You cantell your OB/GYN, though.That would be importantinformation.One Exercise a Day, One Hand a DayOne interesting idea is doing one-hand-only work andcombining the idea with the One Lift a Day program.As I mnoted for leading from the front, I tried the following:Day OneLeft-handed swings, snatches and press.Five swings, three snatches, and two presses for as many work sets as Icould do.Day TwoFront squats.I decided an exhausted side of the bodymight not be worth pushing too hard.Eight sets of threewas my choice.Day ThreeRight-handed swings, snatches and press.Five swings,three snatches, and two presses for as many sets aspossible.Day FourRest dayDay FiveDeadlift (I did some easy walking, too.)Day SixTravelDay SevenPull-ups to deathOne could, I imagine, really push this idea.One of thelost bits of wisdom is you re actually able to handle sixty-to-seventy percent of your two-handed max with one hand.(You still use both legs, your back, and stabilize like crazywith the  off arm.) And, you re still only using what you thinkof as light weights.I can t help it, but there s no way I canthink of a kettlebell as heavy, even if I struggle to lift it.Thenumber tells me light!In other words, you could do two right-arm days, twoleft-arm days, a full-body day, and I d still recommend asquat-movement day.Something like this:Week One Day OneRight-arm clean and pressDay TwoFront squatDay ThreeLeft-arm clean and pressDay FourRestDay FiveRight-arm swing and snatchDay SixDeadliftDay SevenLeft-arm swing and snatchI wouldn t repeat this the following week.Rather I dmove to a second week with only four days of training:Week TwoDay OneRestDay TwoFront squatDay ThreeRestDay FourRight-arm dayDay FiveDeadliftDay SixLeft-arm dayDay Seven RestRepeat for a total of four weeks.Then, test yourselfsomehow and see if this is working.I like the idea, but what s missing (and some readerswill have caught this) is the program looks more like theplans for putting together a car on an assembly-line than thesynergy stuff I promised from the beginning.Yet, it is there.You see, this program came from a reader whoemailed me the idea of doing the One Lift a Day variation.Always dumb enough for a challenge, I tried it.I wrote anarticle; a buddy added another layer of insanity; I used thelessons from kettlebellers and various crazies to puttogether a program, and jumped in.That is synergy.The biggest problem most people have when theyfirst start lifting is looking at others as having all theanswers, especially those at the gym who wear golf shirtswith their names embroidered on the chest pockets. He must know what he s talking about; he has a golfshirt with his name on it, for gosh sakes!In truth, the answers  the secrets  are just not thathard to find.Every reader has at his fingertips (literally) avast warehouse of information, but you need to add onelittle bit extra: you.your experiences, your resources, andyour sense of adventure.When I discuss the One Lift a Day program, there sno question it s the simplest program ever devised.Simple,but not easy.Now, you have to take it to the next level. Principle LessonsPrinciple OneAdvanced training methods are for advancedtrainers.Yes, I know, we all know that, don t we? Well, Ioften note my years with the world famous Pacifica BarbellClub where Dick Notmeyer took me under his wing and hadme do the following workouts:Three days a weekSnatch and Clean and Jerk (two hours worth)Two days a weekFront Squat and Jerks off the rack (two hours worth)Yes, I was working my legs five days a week and mybody responded by packing on forty pounds in four months.What most people miss is I had workouts like this:Front Squat135 for 3155 for 3175 for 3185 for 3195 for 3205 for 3215 for 3225 for 3235 for 2245 for 1You see, I was learning the lifts! I was training mybody to be more flexible, to learn the positions and toprepare for the loads I would lift months and years later.A few years later, I would do maybe six or eight total reps in afront squat workout with the reps all hovering around 400.I m not doing ten-pound jumps for triples very often aftergetting over 300.But, at around 200  early in the learningperiod  volume is appropriate.Much of a beginner s training is with weights notbeyond much more than bodyweight.Yet I will get emailsfrom delightful young people with intense periodizationschemes and dozens of curl variations.Here is a littleworkout I recommended recently for a man my age (justpast old) who hadn t lifted in three decades.Goblet SquatsHalf-Turkish Get-upsLawn Mowers (one-arm rows)Push-upsSuitcase Carries(walk with one dumbbell for fifty yards, turnaround and come back using the other hand)When I explained the reps and sets, and I quotemyself,  Do a couple of reps with the exercise and get afeel for it.Do it again, but make sure you are doing eachrep right.Try to do a little more each time.either moresets or more reps.In two weeks, try to do this workout six orseven times.He emails me back to tell me,  This isn t what theyare doing in the magazines.Right.And the magazines don t recommend takingoff thirty years first.Principle TwoStrong guys forget hypertrophy, and bodybuilders andlookgoodnekkid guys forget strength. I only know this because I am the greatest sinnerabout forgetting this principle.Yearly, I come to the end ofHighland Games season and try to find the license plate ofthe bus that hit me.You see, as the season goes on I rarelyget over doubles and triples in the weightroom.I rarely do alift to keep a balanced physique.My focus is on throwingfarther, higher and better [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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