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."Whoa-kiddie.Swallow nasty medicine like good little boy.Baby boy's gotta Page 76ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsleep, or he'll go clean off his orbit."Perforce, Carlisle choked, and swallowed."Just a bit of your own pet diamorph.Give you a nice heavy sleep for twenty hours that you wouldn't take.Ah- baby's quieting down."Carlisle wasn't-but Aam's arms were quieting him.Carlisle was as helpless as'any baby might have been, save that a child, being possessed of unlimited flexibility in his joints, can become incredibly hard to hold, and Carlisle couldn't.Aarn took him to his room aboard the Sunbeam and put him on the bunk."You might as well stay there now, Trolley Car, because I won't let you out, and you are just naturally bound to go to sleep pretty quick, anyway.""I've got an antidote for this stuff," Carlisle snapped angrily."You interfering half-witted physicist, I've got to find that catalyst poison.""You moronic, subnormal idiot, you can't go without sleep indefinitely.You passed out twice in an experiment, so I'm just stopping you ahead of time this time-and you'll sleep.Nighty-night, you asteroid."Aarn left.With a groan of utter, irrestible weariness Carlisle sank-back into his bunk, and instantly was asleep.Aarn went down to the control room, and sat thinking.Aarn was not a chemist; he was a physicist, but like any scientist, he knew something of almost all others.He tried to recall what he knew of nitrogen, of oxygen, of their mutual behavior.With a start he sat up, and finally got Carlisle's notes."He writes a misbegotten sort of a hand," he said disgustedly, looking at the sloppy notes.The book was spotted with everything imaginable, and in many places there were irregular holes that grew when looked at, the paper was so rotted by acids and bases.Aarn sat down and at last came to what he wanted.A spectral analysis of the catalyst.Simple-thus far.But how were those elements combined?He looked at the list of them.And one he had rather hoped to see was there-titanium.With a sigh, he settled deeper and considered.Titanium, he remembered, was one of the few elements which burned readily in nitrogen; also oxygen.Perhaps that was the active principle.If he could just find some substance that would combine with the titanium permanently-he'd suggest that to Carlisle when he woke up, anyway.Spencer appeared presently, looking tired."Been working out on Ma-ran.They're pushing the work.They have it almost all finished.Final plans called for an engine as powerful as the driving mechanism of Ma-kanee, but they've made it bigger.The air here's getting pretty bad.I hear they can't get oxygen.Why can't they take that damnable residue outside and break it down?""The catalyst," said Aarn with a gentle sigh."That, like the famous French phrase of the 1915's Vest la guerre', is the answer to all questions here, at present.They can't get the catalyst out of the snow or the liquid, and if they try to break it up, it just goes right back together, and the catalyst tends to escape into the air of the room-and that's why they don't do it." -"-"Any hope, Aarn?" " "Uhmm-if they smash.those moons into Tett-el soon enough.Then we might move to some other planet-at least a lot of them could.Not ail-but a lot.Might save the race, at least.Before Teff-el is smashed, the Tefflans would kill the new colony."."The moons will move in fifty days, smash lett-el in sixty three.""The council says the population will be smaU^ enough to move into the warships in thirty at the present rate."XVI"THAT IDEA is interesting-you have a notion it acts something like the haemoglobin in the blood, then-carries combined nitrogen to oxygen, is freed of the nitrogen by the oxygen, and immediately goes back for more nitrogen in some way?" Carlisle seemed to turn the idea over in his mind."Interesting thought-but the thing is, titanium wouldn't do that-it's just against all Page 77ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlchemistry.""Uhmmmm-so's this blinkin' catalyst.You haven't made any better suggestions, I take it.Now what would stop it, if that's the case? You know-something like carbon monoxide in the blood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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