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."I had to have a Calpurnian section." She stoodwith shoulders slumped, trying to make it look as if her hands just happenedto be clasped over her abdomen.Her skin was pasty, and her hair lifeless.Herface was seamed and even her teeth didn't look good.Robin had been lettingherself go for quite a time.Aging was one thing; this was something else."Never mind," Cirocco said."This will put a stop to that."She waded into the water, and held out her hand.It was hotter than Robin had believed possible.She felt the heat in an oddway, aware of it, but not feeling burned.They took it in easy steps.First out to the ankles, then the knees, then apause before going in up to the hip.Chris was on one side of her, Cirocco onthe other.They both held her hands.The water-if water it was-had a sweet smell, and was the color and consistencyof honey.No, she realized, that wasn't right.It wasn't syrupy.Maybe it was more like nectar.She went in up to the waist, and she gasped.The fluid was oozing insideher.She could feel it, like a fine oil, as it filled her bowels and hervagina.It seemed that it ought to feel disgusting, but the plain fact wasthat it didn't.It felt wonderful.It felt better than anything she had everknown.She shuddered, and felt her knees grow weak.Cirocco supported her.Then the waters were covering her breasts.She relaxed into Cirocco's arms, as the Wizard had told her to do.She closed her eyes, felt a hand pinch her nostrils, and she was lowered intothe water.It was a dreamy sensation.There was no reason ever to come out.The need totake a breath was building, but when it got strong she felt Cirocco's lipspress against hers, and she inhaled the Wizard's breath.She let it dribbleout slowly.She did that for a long time.Robin didn't count, but she knew it was a longtime.Then she stopped.Robin felt the urge to breathe building in her again.Cirocco had told her what to do, but she was still a little frightened.Did she really trust the Wizard that much?Well, why not? She felt the hands release her nostrils.The hot nectar beganto flow inside.She opened her mouth.Air bubbled out and the waters flowedin.There were a few spasms as her lungs filled and she tried to cough awaythe last of the air.She struggled, but was held firm.Then she was at peaceagain.Cirocco held her in the water for half a rev, then carried her to shore andput her beside Adam, who still slept.Chris produced a towel and Ciroccostarted to dry her.Golden fluid dribbled from Robin's mouth.Cirocco slappedPage 58 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlher back, and she began to breathe again, after bringing up the last few pintsin her throat.Her skin was brown and almost too hot to touch."You go ahead," Chris said, taking the towel."I'll take care of her."Cirocco nodded, and entered the pool.In a moment she was floating just belowthe surface.In half a rev she came out, and her long hair, soaking andplastered to her shoulders, was glossy black.Chris stayed in the longest.When he came out he was almost an inch taller andhis face had changed slightly.Cirocco put Robin back into a light trance andChris lifted her with Adam in her arms.With a glance over his shoulder atCirocco, Chris set out to take Robin back to Tuxedo Junction, and to make hisproposition.FIVELuther stalked the docks of a Bellinzona as empty of people as the dustystreets of the western town in High Noon, with Gary Cooper.It is possible hismind made the connection, as he had recently seen the film at Pandemonium.He didn't look like Gary Cooper.He looked like Frankenstein's monster after athree-day bender and a car wreck.Most of the left side of his face was gone,baring some jawbone and cracked teeth, part of a mastoid, and a hollow eyesocket.Greenish brain tissue showed through a ragged crack in his skull, asif it had leaked out and been haphazardly stuffed back in.His remaining eyewas a black pit in a red sea, blazing with righteous fury.Sutures encircled his neck, not scars, but actual thick threads piercing theskin.If they were removed, his head would have fallen off.All of his body but his hands was concealed behind a filthy black cassock.Thehands bore stigmata which wept blood and pus.One of his legs was shorter thanthe other.It was not a deformity, but a simple mechanical problem: the leghad once belonged to a nun.It did not slow him down.There was no need to hide, and Luther made no attempt to.It wasn't easy forhim and his band at the best of times.Luther was no delight to the nose, buthis Apostles' aroma could stun a hog at fifty paces.Even humans, with theiratrophied sense of smell, could usually detect Luther long before hehove into view.Sometimes a downwind stalk worked, but lately the Bellinzonansseemed to have developed a sixth sense where Priests were concerned.His twelve Apostles shuffled along behind him.Compared to them, Luther was abeauty.They were nothing but zombies, but Luther had once been Pastor ArthurLundquist, of the American Unified Lutheran Church in Urbana, Illinois.Urbanahad been destroyed long ago, and so had Pastor Lundquist, for the most part [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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