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.Allof that was done automatically except for feeding of the shells into theconveyor system that hoisted them aloft.That job was done by dozens ofsweating, straining men in ammunition chambers far below.We built this thing to deter the Germans from attacking straight into ourindustrial heartland, mused Merle, with a grin.We succeeded too.They obligedus by going through Belgium instead.Then we kept the forts up in prettypristine condition for twenty years in case the Russians decided to get jolly.Maybe it really did help deter them too, never know.Now finally we are usingthem, after a frantic race to restore them, to hang on to this last corner ofla belle patrie."And they're working," he said aloud."Killing the alien bastards in droves.And the damned government just had to throw that away by refusing to cooperatewith the Germans.""Sir?" queried Merle's aide.Page 115 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"We could have had a couple ofBoche armored corps here with us,"answered Merle."We could have had a few score infantry divisions too, to helpus hold this line.But, no.Impossible.We would only let them help us if theywere willing to let us dictate policy.Tell me, Francois, if you were theGermans, if you were anyone, would you let the government ofFrance, any government of France, dictate policy to you?"file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (184 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:35file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html"Certainement pas," answered the captain, with a wry and very39cynically and typically French grin."Who could be so foolish?""No one, and so no more would I.And so, though we are murdering those alienassholes by the bushel, they are still going to get through.They are going totake these forts, peel us like hard-boiled eggs, and then feast on thecontents.And then they're going to go past us."The command post suddenly shook more violently than the automatic cannonsalone could account for.Merle was tossed from his seat by the shock."Merde, what was that?" he asked, rising to his feet."I don't know, mon colonel."The phone rang.After all these decades the telephone system still worked.Theaide, Francois, answered.Merle saw his face turn white.As Francois replaced the ancient telephone on its hook he said, "BatteryB.It's.gone.The aliens somehow penetrated all the way down to theammunition storage area.Hardly anyone escaped.The area's been sealed off toprevent fire from spreading."Now Merle's face paled."My God, there are twenty thousand civilians downthere below the ammunition for that battery.""Lost, sir.""Do we still have communication with the Germans behind us?" Merle asked."I believe so, sir.Why?""Get meGeneralleutnantVon der Heydte on the line.I am going to place this fortress under hiscommand and ask him for any aid he can spare to save our people.While I amdoing that I want you to begin calling thefile:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (185 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:35file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html other sector commanders and giving them my suggestion they dothe same.Fuck the government.We haven't had a decent one since Napoleon theFirst, anyway."* * *Saarlouis, Germany, 18 December 2007Von der Heydte was stunned."The bloody frogs are asking us to do what?""They want us to take over, sir.At least General Merle does, and some others.Page 116 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlI understand we are getting calls all along the front.They can't hold.Theirarmy, at least, knows it.And they have decided to ignore their government.""Okay.I can buy that.And they would be a useful addition to our effortif they will just cooperate.""General Merle sounded eager to cooperate, sir.His exact words were, 'TellGeneral Von der Heydte I am submitting myself and my entire command to hisauthority.' But there's a catch.""Aha! Iknew it.What catch?""Sir, they want us to open up our lines to permit the evacuation of severalmillion civilians.Several hundred thousand in General Merle's sector alone.""Can we?""Risky, sir.We could conceivably open a lane or perhaps two.I don't think wehave the engineer assets to re-close more than two, anyway.But even they willbe narrow passages.I doubt we can get everyone through.And, sir?""Yes?"file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html (186 of 353)23-12-2006 20:00:35file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/John%20Ringo%20-%20Aldenata%2007%20-%20Watch%20On%20The%20Rhine.html"Sir, they're a very proud people [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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