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.A publishinghouse seemed a sound investment.""Yes, I do recall hearing some such explanation fromthe gentlemen who acted on your behalf.I find onething odd, though.""What's that?""I'm not aware that you've attempted to buy anotherbook firm.Was Kent's the only one in which you wereinterested?"(amanda hedged:"At the time we negotiated-yes.""The fact is, you've bought no other propertiesat all comat least under your own name.Forgive me, butit's almost as if you had some reason other than abusiness one for wanting Kent's.""That's purely your speculation, Mr.Stovall.""I admit it.There could be no personal basis foryour interest, could there?""None.""We've never met before-was"Never.""Well-was He shrugged."I must be wrong.""A rare occurrence with Mr.Stovall," Jonasinformed them with a smug smile.The outrageous flattery pleased the older man,though.He touched Jonas' gloved hand in an almostaffectionate way.Then he said to Amanda:"Financially speaking, I really wish we had beenable to reach an agreement.Publishing is a riskyenterprise- another circumstance which makes mewonder why you chose it for diversification.I have verylittle interest in the firm, actually-only in what itearns.I never wanted the company except as thePage 242 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlmeans to an end.But perhaps you don't know the story.I assumed ownership many years ago as a resultof a sporting wager-wasAmanda heard Rose's sudden intake of breath.Stoall's brown eye watched her for a reaction-Or did she just imagine that?"comanda desire to see the founders, a clanof wild-eyed Boston mobocrats, put out ofbusiness." He licked a snowflake from his lowerlip."The heirs of a Mr.Gilbert Kent.Despicable people."Amanda's lips pressed together.She was trembling.Hands clenched tight inside the muff, she wasconscious of both Stovall and Rose watching herclosely.She hoped she hadn't given herselfaway-"I know nothing about them other than the name, Mr.Stovall.I've spent most of my years outwest.""Of course," he murmured."Well, there's noneed for civilized folk to quarrel over anaborted transaction-was He patted thesecretary's arm."Jonas, be a dear chap andsee what you can do to hurry the carriage."The secretary started for the curb.He whistled andmotioned.Again Stovall touched his top hat."Mrs.de la Gura-Mrs.Ludwig-mydistinct pleasure."His good eye raked Amanda as he turned away.Did he know more about her than he was revealing?No, that was impossible.Outside of her immediatehousehold, only Rose, WilliamBenbow and Joshua Rothman knew she was GilbertKent's daughter-A man blocked Stovall's route to the carriagedoor which Jonas was holding open.Stovall liftedhis cane and prodded the man with the ferrule:"One side!"The man, much less elegantly dressed, whirledaround:"Who the hell are you poking with-?""You, my shabby friend.It's quite obvious you couldn'tafford a private carriage-while mine's waitingjust there." Stovall pulled the gold-headed caneclose to his chest, as if ready to lash outward withit.His voice had a savage note in it: "If youwant to be impudent, I'll give you impudencethat'll lay you up for a week!"The man glared, then shifted his glance to the canehead.Amanda couldn't see Stovall's face, but theother man obviously had a good view of it-and itintimidated him.Stovall's voice was equallyintimidating with its unmistakable suggestion ofviolent temper held in check.The man stepped back.Hamilton Stovall climbed into the carriage.Jonas touched him, apparently to assisthim on the step.Then the carriage door slammed.The driver whipped up the matched grays and thevehicle lurched off.Page 243 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAmanda watched it until it was completely hidden by thewind-driven snow."Iblundered,she thought.After the Kent negotiations fell through, I blunderedby not covering myself with another purchase-immediately [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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