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.The hypocracy of thesepowers in their dealings with Serbia and South Africa is atrocious.There is no doubt that there was no action to stop Serbian atrocitiesandland grabbing because of Zionist pressure.The Zionists hope to usemass population transfers to solve what they call "the Palestinianproblem." Zionist writer Sholomo Tadmor had expressed such anopinion, and quoted as support for his views, the mass transfer ofHindus and Muslims at the time of the separation of Pakistan andIndia, overseen by Lord Louis Mountbatten.Mountbatten was assas-sinated, some say with the foreknowledge of MI5, because his allegedhomosexual activities were becoming an embarrassment to QueenElizabeth."Uncle Dicky" it was alleged, was coming out of the closeta little too often, and refused to heed the advise of MI5 to be morecircumspect about his private life.Serbian ties with Zionism play an important role in the tragedyprophesied by Dutch Foreign Minister Van den Broek.The savageattacks on Germany and Croatia, specifically the "Nazi" epithetshurled at Croatian President Tudjman and German Chancellor Kohlspeak volumes.According to my intelligence contact, Europeanefforts to bring about a workable solution to the problem "weresabotaged from the inside by Britain and sources in Jerusalem."Apparently the British method of a balance of powers in France,Russia, Turkey and the United States is the predetermined course.By September of 1991, it had become perfectly clear that the Serbsintended carving up Croatia and Bosnia-Herzogovina, which wouldbe followed by an "ethnic cleansing" of Macedonia.British intelli-gence reports made it clear that the Balkans program was on track andproceeding according to plan.All demands to halt Serbian aggressionby European Community foreign ministers in Brussels were studi-ously ignored by Milosevic, Whitehall and Washington.My intelligence source said that not one of the European leaders daredto disclose that their hands were tied when James Baker III and British202 DIPLOMACY BY DECEPTIONforeign secretary Douglas Hurd gave Milosevic the green light tolaunch a full-scale assault on Bosnia-Herzogovenia."The Europeanministers know very well that it is an exercise in futility to try and stopthe Serbians, who know that they are backed by London and Wash-ington, hootat our proposals.Nothing can be done to stop the Serbianonslaught, unless British and American support is withdrawn."No doubt this is an accurate statement: without British and U.S.tacitsupport, Milosevic would not have dared to commit the vile atrocitiesthat have resulted in almost 250,000 dead, 2 million wounded and atleast 4 million refugees.The Yugoslavian Serbian position is under-pinned by American and British support.History has proved that the secret government of Britain has anastonishing success record in achieving its goals through diplomacyby deception.I call to mind the negotiations over Palestine, whichwere fraudulent from beginning and controlled by the head of theZionist Federation in Britain, Lord Rothschild.In September of 1991, it was not Lord Rothschild, but his underlingLord Carrington, a confirmed Zionist, who stepped forward to nego-tiate in Yugoslavia.Carrington had gained excellent experience inwrecking Rhodesia, South Africa, NATO and Argentina.As masterdeceiver, Carrington's Sept.7, 1991 European Community peaceconference held at the Hague in Holland, was a loaded in favor ofSerbia.What the conference achieved was a bolstering of Serbianaggression, allowing Serbia to redraw the boundaries of Yugoslaviato the advantage of a Greater Serbia.By adopting an embargo in trade and economic affairs with Yugo-slavia, the conference left it unstated thatCroatia was being punished:the greater part of European trade with Yugoslavia is conducted byCroatia.Seeming to punish Milosevic, it was Croatia that felt theweight of the British-sponsored big stick.The peace conference forYugoslavia was not supposed to be held unless the Serbs first stoppedfighting, but when Milosevic thumbed his nose at the condition, theEC delegates went ahead with it anyway, a real political victory for theButcher of Belgrade.203 DR JOHN COLEMANAfter the fraudulent conference, Italian Foreign Minister Gianni deMichelis  who fervently supported the illegal Bush war against Iraq flagrantly backed Milosevic by posing the question: "Would wereally go to war in Yugoslavia? Would we die for Zagreb? Surely not"On Sept 19, Lord Carrington, officially accepted that the conferencewas a failure.Of course, hedid not say that it was planned to fail.Howcould it have been a success, when Carrington had refused to allowany preconditions to be set for the Serbs to meet with the other parties?The British-American sponsored conference was designed to give theSerbian aggressors all the time needed to grab more land and kill moreCroatians, Muslims and Bosnians.This is precisely what happened.Also, for the first time, the Yugoslavian Air Force launched air raidson civilian cities [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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